The USMB presidential team

Philippe GALEZ

Philippe GALEZ

Philippe Galez graduated from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in 1985 and received his doctorate from the Université Joseph Fourier in 1988. He has been a professor of materials science atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc since 2003. After completing his doctorate, he pursued his career at the CEA as a research engineer, first at the Léon Brillouin Laboratory at the Saclay center, then at the Electronics and Information Technology Laboratory in Grenoble. He joined the University of Savoie in 1992, where he obtained his habilitation to direct research in 2000.

His research work focused on the development, microstructure and diffraction properties of pyrolytic graphite, during his thesis at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, then on high-temperature superconducting materials, at the CEA and the University of Savoie. In particular, he was interested in their crystallographic structure, phase equilibria and academics paths in the corresponding polyconstituted systems, with a view to high-current applications. He has also contributed to the study of several intermetallic systems for catalysis. Since joining the Université de Savoie, now université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) in 2015, he has held a variety of responsibilities in both academics and research. In particular, he was director of the Annecy Instrumentation and Materials Laboratory from 2001 to 2006, when the Systems and Materials for Mechatronics Laboratory (SYMME) was created, head of the Physical Measurements department at the Annecy IUT from 2007 to 2011, and vice-president academics of the university from May 2012 to August 2017, in teams led by President Varaschin. More recently, he was in charge of PITON, USMB's Disrupt' Campus initiative.
Philippe BRIAND

Philippe BRIAND
Vice-Chairman of the Board, 1st Vice-Chairman in charge of human resources, personnel, gender equality, information systems, general and legal affairs

Born in Nîmes in 1970, Philippe Briand studied at Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, where he defended a thesis on probabilistic methods for partial differential equations in 1997. After a year of post-doctoral studies at Princeton University, he joined Rennes 1 University and the Institut de Recherche Mathématique de Rennes as a lecturer in September 1998. He was appointed University Professor atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc in 2008 and joined the mathematics laboratory (LAMA, UMR 5127 CNRS and université Savoie Mont Blanc). A probabilist specializing in stochastic analysis, his research focuses on stochastic differential equations (SDEs), particularly retrograde ones, and their applications to finance and partial differential equations. His main contributions are theoretical, but he is also developing numerical simulation methods for this type of equation. He is currently working on medium-field EDS. From 2010 to 2014, Philippe Briand was involved in the academics program for 1st degree teachers, as co-director of the MEEF academic master's program. In addition, he headed the LAMA from 2014 to 2018, and was involved in the evaluation of Research units as scientific advisor to Hcéres from 2016 to 2018, after having been an appointed member of the 26th section of the national university council. He sat on the Academic Council (CFVU) from 2012 to 2016, then on the Board of Directors from 2016 to 2018 atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc. In September 2018, he became deputy scientific director at the CNRS Institut National des Sciences Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions.
Jean-François JOYE

Jean-François JOYE
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors in charge of finance, quality, contractual policy and management

Jean-François Joye studied at the Faculty of Law, University of Lyon 2, followed by a post-graduate diploma (DESS) in "Urban planning and city development" from the Lyon Urban Planning Institute (1997). In 1999, he won a competitive examination to become a territorial engineer, and was recruited by the Allier departmental council. He obtained a doctorate in public law in 2000 (Essay on legal changes in territorial economic action), and joined the Faculty of Law atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc in 2001 as a lecturer. He obtained his HDR in 2009, then joined a GIP de recherche en délégation sur poste CNRS (GRIDAUH - Paris 2 - 2010-2014). He has been a university professor since 2015. He holds or has held various university positions (research commission, board of directors, doctoral school board, vice-dean, faculty council member, master's program director and director of the Centre de recherche en droit Antoine Favre). In addition to public finance, his research and teaching focus on administrative law, particularly urban planning law. He has directed or co-directed various projects and collective works in this area (L'urbanisation de la montagne, Les droits de préemption, L'accident en montagne, Les remontées mécaniques et le droit, Le ski de randonnée, Identité et handicap...). He is currently co-director of the Valcom project (Valorisation des communs fonciers

Vice-president in charge of Research, Vice-president of the Cac

Mareva Sabatier is a university professor of economics, specializing in labor economics, human resources and public policy evaluation. Her research focuses on professional careers, work organization and management, and occupational health. After completing her doctorate in 2000 at the Université d'Auvergne, followed by a post-doctorate at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium, she was recruited in 2002 to the Université de Savoie, which became Université Savoie Mont Blanc in 2015. Following her success in the first competitive examination for the agrégation du supérieur in economics in 2012, she chose to pursue her commitment to the USMB, where she has held a number of responsibilities in academics and research, notably as director of the Economics-Finance department at IAE Savoie Mont Blanc (2005-2008 then 2012-2016) and director of the IREGE laboratory (2016-2020). Mareva Sabatier is also an elected member of the 5th section of the Conseil National des Universités.
Jean-François DREUILLE

Jean-François DREUILLE
Vice-president in charge of academics and university life, Vice-president of the CAC

Trained in Lille and Grenoble, Jean-François Dreuille holds a doctorate in private law and criminal sciences from the Université Pierre Mendes-France (now UGA) (2002). Recruited as a lecturer at the Université de Savoie in 2003 (now Université Savoie Mont Blanc), he is a member of the Centre de recherche en droit Antoine Favre and specializes in criminal law. His research focuses on contemporary and ambivalent changes in criminal law (HDR defended in 2017), both in substantive criminal law (criminal law of the "enemy", state of emergency, social movements, etc.) and in criminal procedure (significant increase in fundamental rights, notably under the influence of European law). His scientific activities have also led him to explore the penal consequences of the judicialization of mountains. His commitment to the USMB has led him to play an active role in the creation and management of training courses (professional bachelor's degree, master's degree in notarial law), the management of the Institut d'Etudes Judiciaires (IEJ) and the Law department. Between 2012 and 2020, he held senior management positions at the Faculty of Law, first as vice-dean, then as dean. He is a member of the Conseil national du droit.
Bernard CARON

Bernard CARON
Vice-President in charge of the transformation of the 1st university cycle

With a doctorate in science from Lyon's Claude Bernard University, Bernard Caron began his career in 1984 as an assistant at the École Centrale de Lyon. He was recruited as a lecturer at the University of Savoie in 1988 and, after obtaining his habilitation to direct research in 1992, was appointed professor in 1993. Throughout his career, he has pursued his research into the control of non-linear systems applied to mechatronics and then to large physics instruments. Director of the Système Communiquant laboratory for 3 years, he tried to combine his research with that of the laboratory. At the same time, he was head of the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing department at the Annecy IUT for 10 years. In 2004, he committed himself to the university as vice-president for six years, firstly in charge of student life, then information technology and educational communication, and finally the information system. He continued his commitment to students as Director of the Service commun universitaire d'information d'orientation et d'insertion professionnelle. In 2020, he was appointed leader of the @spire project and director of the Apprendre department.
David MELO

David MELO
Vice-president in charge of guidance, relations with high schools and professional integration

A graduate of the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux (1997), David Mélo holds a doctorate in sociology from the Université Bordeaux 2 (director: François Dubet; 2003). Recruited as a lecturer in sociology at the University of Orléans (2004), since 2016 he has been a lecturer in sociology atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and a researcher at the Laboratoire Langages, Littératures, Sociétés. Etudes Transfrontalières et Internationales (LLSETI, EA 3706). His research focuses on transformations in work, organizations and management, with particular attention to subjectivity. In this context, he has been particularly interested in how employees of large companies experience the transformations underway in their work and organizations. This research led to the publication of Les CDI dans la tourmente. Entre loyauté et désarroi (Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2010). He is also interested in the experience of individuals and groups grappling with issues of social justice and equality at work. He was a laureate of the Fondation pour les Sciences Sociales, class of 2018, on the theme "Les mutations du travail".
Elected full member of the Conseil National des Universités (CNU) sociology-demography section (2011-2015), member of the jury for the CAPES external de Sciences économiques et sociales (2016-2019), he was director of the sociology department atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc between 2017 and 2020.

Vice-president in charge of work-study programs

After a career in business, Eric WEISS joined the Annecy IUT in 2002.
In turn head of studies, then head of department, then director of academics in 2013 atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, he still teaches business management in the broadest sense, with a specialization in financing, international development, marketing and business creation.
He also heads up academics , his particular area of expertise: real estate.
The author of numerous case studies and educational books based on real-life business situations, and several times winner of national competitions for the publication of educational case studies, he is also a keen trainer of professional trainers.
More generally, his involvement in the entrepreneurial world, whether as a teacher or as a personal investor, has led him to develop a professional network which he now passes on to his learners whenever possible.
As a partner in a number of organizations, he is a fervent advocate of the idea that every individual should be able to undertake and train throughout his or her life.
This logic is also underpinned by the tremendous development of work-study programs at the USMB, both because they enable young people to be remunerated and because they offer them the opportunity to study "differently", but also because they provide the synergies that are indispensable for the rapid acquisition of skills enabling excellent employability.
Cristina VIGNALI de POLI

Cristina VIGNALI de POLI
Vice-President in charge of campus life, culture, scientific, technical and industrial culture, and anti-discrimination initiatives



Vice-President in charge of interdisciplinarity and links academics-research

Claire Salmon holds a PhD in economics from the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International at the Université d'Auvergne. She was appointed lecturer atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc in 1999 after a year's post-doctorate at the University of Montreal. Her research interests lie at the crossroads of three disciplines: development economics, labor economics and demography. She is particularly interested in issues relating to fuel poverty and intra-family discrimination in developing country contexts. As a member of the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, she was responsible for various courses in the economics and management degree program, a master's degree in economic and statistical research, and the economics and finance department. Between 2013 and 2023, Claire Salmon was Director of the IAE Savoie Mont Blanc for two successive terms. She was also vice-president of the national IAE France network, in charge of relations with the socio-economic world (2016-18) and academics and educational innovation (2021-23). She joins the USMB presidential team in 2023, as VP of Interdisciplinarity and academics-research, and is helping to implement the ANR Shine project.

Vice-President in charge of development and contractual relations with companies

Nicolas Forestier received his doctorate from Grenoble 1 University in 1999, and after a year's post-doctorate at the Laboratoire de Performance Motrice Humaine (Faculty of Medicine, Kinesiology Division) at Laval University. (Quebec, Qc, Canada) was appointed to the position of Senior Lecturer in the STAPS department of the Université de Savoie (now Université́ Savoie Mont Blanc) in 2001, then to the position of Professor in 2019. Trained in the field of Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (STAPS), his field of research is part of the broader field of behavioral neuroscience, which involves clarifying the sensory-motor processing process on the basis of a multi-scale analysis of motor production. A member of the Laboratoire Inter Universitaire de Biologie de la Motricité (LIBM EA7424), her research activities focus on (proactive) control models associated with sensory-motor and behavioral adaptations, as well as proprioceptive optimization in relation to motor rehabilitation and injury prevention. The value of this work has been formalized by the signing of several contracts with industry and institutions. Since joining the USMB, he has held a number of positions in both academics and research. In particular, he has been head of grade, director of studies and then director of the STAPS department, and head of a cross-disciplinary research theme at LIBM (man/material - man/environment interface). He recently held the position of Vice President Delegaté for technology transfer and valorization in the team led by President Varaschin during the previous term (2016-2020).

Vice-President in charge of international relations

After graduating from ENSIMAG in 1988, Laurence Vignollet defended her doctoral thesis in 1991 atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc. She then joined the USMB team as a lecturer in computer science. She teaches at the UFR Sciences et Montagne and carries out her research at the Systèmes et Matériaux pour la Mécatronique (SYMME) laboratory. Her work is in the field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). She has spent several research periods abroad, including her post-doctorate at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. More recently, she spent a year with the Intelligent & Cooperative Systems Research Group (GSIC) at the School of Telecommunications Engineering, University of Valladolid, Spain. For over 15 years, she was in charge of international relations for the IT department of the UFR Sciences et Montagne. Within this framework, she has implemented more than twenty agreements with foreign partner establishments. She is also involved in a number of international research and development projects. Building on this experience, she joined theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc presidential team in January 2017.

Vice-president in charge of heritage and environmental transition

A graduate of the Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, with a specialization in construction, in 1991, and a doctorate from INSA Lyon in 1997, Gilles Fraisse has been Professor of Building Energy atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc since 2003. After completing his doctorate, he was an ATER at INSA de Lyon, then recruited in 1998 as a Maitre de Conférences at ESIGEC, where he was attached to the LGCH laboratory until 2002, before joining the new LOCIE laboratory. He obtained his habilitation to direct research in 2008. His research work focused on the integration of energy systems in buildings, a theme which was the common thread running through the activities presented in his HDR. On the one hand, he worked on the development of new models based on electrical analogy, in conjunction with experimental validation, and on the other hand on the holistic optimization of buildings by integrating the issue of calculation times using two approaches (meta-models and reduced sequence). He has also worked on the development of innovative components such as thermoelectric heat pumps for building heating or hybrid storage-transfer systems using phase-change materials in solar installations. Since joining the Université de Savoie, now université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) in 2015, he has held a variety of responsibilities in both academics and research. In particular, he was head of the ESB "Energy and Solar Buildings" international master's program (2016-2020) and semester leader at ESIGEC and then Polytech from 2003 to 2020. He was also head of the solar systems research team at LOCIE from 2010 to 2017.
Patrice MELE

Patrice MELE
Vice-president in charge of digital and information systems

Patrice Mele received his PhD from the Institut National des Sciences Appliqués de Lyon in 1995 on "Scale factors in the analysis of the mechanical behavior of particulate composites", and has been a professor of materials chemistry atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc since 2006. After completing his doctorate at LMOPS (UMR CNRS Université de Savoie), he pursued his academics and research activities at INSA Lyon, including a position as chemical engineer at Rhône-Poulenc Films in 1995. Appointed lecturer at the University of Reims-Champagne-Ardennes in 1996, he contributed to the creation of a post-graduate diploma (DESS) on the processing and recycling of polymer materials. In 1998, he joined the LMOPS laboratory (UdS), where he obtained his habilitation to direct research on "Relations between the architecture and mechanical behavior of heterogeneous polymer matrix systems". As a member of the LEPMI laboratory (UMR CNRS 5279), he is responsible for various research contracts (ANR, FUI, Interreg) with university partners in France (LMS-X) on modeling the mechanical properties of composites using self-coherent models coupled with the concept of percolation, and abroad (HES SO, Switzerland) on the morphological consequences induced by the geometric reduction of injected polymer parts. He is currently working on materials for energy, in particular on optimizing the performance and durability of PEMFC-type fuel cells, using a mechanical approach, or on understanding the mechanisms involved in replicating microstructures on polymer surfaces to give them new functional properties with various colleagues in the laboratory. Since his appointment to the Université de Savoie, he has held a number of positions, including that of project leader for the creation of the "Packaging and Packaging Engineering" DUT in 2006, then head of this department from 2007 to 2010. From 2010 to 2020, he was Director of the Chambéry IUT, and from 2016 to 2020, he was coordinator of the USMB site. More recently, he is a board member of French Tech in the Alps Chambéry, an association promoting digital development in companies on the site and in the region.
vp student

Student vice-president