USMB's Student Health Service (SSE) and Sports Service (SDS) offer you a range of activities to help you stay zen all year round, including Well-Being workshops. Yoga, sophrology, animal mediation, gentle muscle strengthening and even chess: the choice is yours! Funded by the CVEC, these workshops are open to all USMB students and IFSI students from Chambéry and Annecy.
Please note: the number of places per session is limited, so don't delay in registering for the activities that interest you! Registration is open until 12 p.m. the day before the workshop.
Pause patounes sur le campus ! Accompagnés par Nadine Cotton, psychologue en promotion de la santé, intervenante en médiation par l’animal et présidente de l’association « Les p’tits poilus d’la grotte », lapins et cochons d’inde vous attendent à la BU pour une séance d’1 heure environ. Venez passer du temps en leur compagnie, jouer et communiquer avec eux jeudi 7 décembre de 15h30 à 16h25 en salle 102 à la Bibliothèque Universitaire (bât. 10).
What's the point of animal mediation? According to several studies, contact with animals has numerous benefits for our mental health, including boosting our self-esteem. Animals arouse sympathy, are capable of reciprocity and affection and, above all, are non-judgmental and generate a feeling of trust. It's a fun way to soothe yourself, and an opportunity to cuddle these adorable fur balls!
This workshop is organized in partnership with the University Library.
Contact: Student Health Service