Self-confidence means having confidence in your ability to make choices and decisions, to act and react, and to adapt to change. With your arrival at university, this confidence can be turned upside down: you're going to have to gain autonomy, take new bearings and assert yourself, which isn't always easy!
Si vous cherchez des outils pour booster votre confiance et prendre conscience de votre potentiel, venez participer à l’atelier BOOST « Booster sa confiance en soi » organisé par le Pôle Réussite du SUIO-IP (Service Universitaire d’Information d’Orientation et d’Insertion Professionnelle) ! On vous donnera toutes les clés pour comprendre l’estime et la confiance en soi et apprendre à vous affirmer.
The workshop is free and open to all students, from 1st year university students to PhDs. It is financed by the Contribution à la Vie Étudiante et de Campus (CVEC).
It will take place Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 4pm on the Zoom platform and will be led by Athéna Coaching, a qualified coach and trainer. Login details for the workshop will be sent to your student mailbox after registration.
Each workshop is limited to 14 people, to guarantee quality exchanges with the speaker. Registration closes 48 hours before the workshop, so don't delay!Subject to a minimum of 3 participants.
Other workshops are offered throughout the year (improving concentration, perfecting organization for revision, gaining fluency in oral expression, boosting self-confidence, improving note-taking, etc.). Don't hesitate to consult the student agenda to find the one that's right for you!
If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: