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« Évidences inconnues » – Mentalisme & théâtre

December 12, 2024 / 8:30 pm - 9:50 pm


Grâce à son partenariat avec l’Auditorium de Seynod, l’USMB te propose des places de spectacles gratuites ou à tarifs préférentiels, tout au long de l’année ! Jeudi 12 décembre à 20h30, l’université t’invite à assister au spectacle de mentalisme et théâtre « Évidences inconnues ».

Free places are available, reserved exclusively for USMB students and pupils from the Institut de academics en Soins Infirmiers (IFSI) in Chambéry and Annecy. Funded by the Contribution à la vie étudiante et de campus (CVEC).


Would you like to attend this show? Register easily by clicking on "Register" at the top of this page and filling in all the required fields. You'll then receive an e-mail confirming your registration.

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Évidences inconnues moves between theater, music and mentalism, where coincidences and synchronicities become pure magic. The audience follows an investigation and becomes an accomplice in playful and unsettling experiments. Throughout the show, Kurt Demey, Belgian mentalist magician, develops the right balance between opposing feelings: letting oneself be carried away by the fleetingness of the magical moment, the wonder that accompanies it, and the compelling desire to understand how things work. On the floor, a stylized tree with multiple branches provides a dreamlike backdrop. His sidekick Joris Vanvinckenroye's post-rock musical compositions lend a mysterious color to the show, guiding the audience into an unknown world, where things are not always what they seem. Let yourself be carried away by this unexpected and surprising proposition; you have all the cards in your hand to foil this carousel of chance.

For further information, please contact Service Vie Étudiante et de Campus (SVEC) - 04 79 75 94 15


Date :
December 12, 2024
Time :
8:30 pm - 9:50 pm
Price :
Event categories:




Annecy - L'Auditorium Seynod
1 Place de l'hôtel de Ville
Annecy, 74000 France
+ Google Map
Occupancy rate 9 / 15

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