Grâce à son partenariat avec l’Espace Malraux Scène Nationale (Chambéry), l’USMB te propose des places de spectacles gratuites ou à tarifs préférentiels, tout au long de l’année ! Mercredi 15 janvier à 20h, l’université t’invite à assister au spectacle de théâtre « Voyage au pays de l’inséparé ».
Free places are available, reserved exclusively for USMB students and pupils from the Institut de academics en Soins Infirmiers (IFSI) in Chambéry and Annecy. Funded by the Contribution à la vie étudiante et de campus (CVEC).
Interested in the event? Register easily by clicking on "I'm registering" at the top of this page and filling in all the required fields. You'll then receive an e-mail confirming your registration.
If you can no longer come to the event, please unsubscribe using the link in this e-mail. Your unsubscription is important as it will free up a place for other students interested in attending this performance.
We love the dreamlike world of Marguerite Bordat and Pierre Meunier, major figures in the world of theater. For almost thirty years, the duo has been exploring the enigmas of matter with unflagging curiosity. In each play, the ingredients are numerous: water, air, wind, fire, springs, pipes, pebbles, piles of pebbles... and then, of course, words, poetry and thoughts. Here, those of philosopher Dominique Quessada, and his book L'insparé. For this new creation, the artists take their inspiration from his essay, and thanks to a scenography this time made of ropes, attempt to make visible the invisible links that still unite us.
For further information, please contact Service Vie Étudiante et de Campus (SVEC) - 04 79 75 94 15