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LAPP Wednesdays - "Gravitational waves: experimental feat and scientific revolution".

December 4 @ 17 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min

As part of LAPP Wednesdays, the Annecy Laboratory of Particle Physics (LAPP) organise une conférence intitulée <strong>« Ondes gravitationnelles : prouesse expérimentale et révolution scientifique »</strong> qui aura lieu le<strong> 4 décembre 2024 de 18h à 19h</strong> dans les<strong> locaux du LAPP</strong> sur le campus d’Annecy. Cette conférence sera présentée par Frédérique Marion, chercheuse CNRS au LAPP. Il sera possible de visiter le laboratoire avant la conférence, à partir de <strong>17h</strong> pour des échanges privilégiés avec les scientifiques.

About the conference-debate

After a long quest, gravitational wave signals have been measured experimentally since 2015. Emitted in cataclysmic astrophysical phenomena, these vibrations of space-time persist only at minute amplitudes as they pass over the Earth, requiring extremely sensitive detectors. These have revealed dozens of spectacular sources, involving black holes and neutron stars. These observations open up new avenues for exploring fundamental physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

We'll see how gravitational waves manifest themselves, how they can be revealed by giant interferometers, and how they have given rise to a new astronomy.

About LAPP Wednesdays

In 2024-2025, following the success previous eventsLAPP organizes free monthly events: LAPP Wednesdays.

One Wednesday a month, LAPP scientists invite you to discover a facet of research at a free event open to all. Lectures, tours, discussions, workshops... Several formats accessible to all audiences will be offered throughout the year.

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Date :
<abbr class="tribe-events-abbr tribe-events-start-date published dtstart" title="2024-12-04"> décembre 4 </abbr>
Time :
17 h 00 min - 19 h 00 min


LAPP Laboratory
Chemin de Bellevue
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