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December 5 @ 16 h 00 min - December 6 @ 9 h 00 min

<strong>Du 5 au  6 décembre 2024,</strong> des étudiants de l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc participeront à la <strong>Nuit de l’Info. </strong>

On this occasion, the USMB Le Bourget site and the teaching staff of the Info department of the UFR SceM and the student association Eispri-Stic will welcome teams to their premises in a federative, dynamic and friendly spirit.

What is Info Night?

La Nuit de l'Info is a national competition that brings together students, teachers and companies to work together on the development of a web application. The event takes place every year, from sunset on the first Thursday in December to sunrise the following morning. Participants have one night to propose, implement and package a Web 2.0 application.

The night is also an opportunity to meet and discuss with companies, engineers and business leaders who come to support the students, and even give them a few tips on how to better meet the challenges.
Objectives of the Night

The aim of this event is to get students working together to take part in a national IT challenge. Most of these challenges involve the use of new technologies such as Web 2.0, social networking and multimedia.

More info : https://www.nuitdelinfo.com/


Start :
<abbr class="tribe-events-abbr tribe-events-start-datetime updated published dtstart" title="2024-12-05"> décembre 5 @ 16 h 00 min </abbr>
End :
<abbr class="tribe-events-abbr tribe-events-end-datetime dtend" title="2024-12-06"> décembre 6 @ 9 h 00 min </abbr>
Site :


Computer Science Department


Bourget du Lac Campus
Le Bourget du Lac, + Google Map