Master GAIA

The aim of the GAIA Master's program is to train young graduates, mainly with degrees in Earth Sciences, but also in Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Physics, in a broad range of geological and geotechnical engineering professions: civil engineering geology, geotechnics, underground works, natural hazards, hydraulics, geophysics, hydrogeology, remediation of polluted soils.
This academics program is characterized by its broad disciplinary scope and high level of technical expertise, enabling students to find employment in geotechnical, natural hazard, hydrogeological and environmental engineering firms. The aim is to train young students in engineering methods, so as to ensure effective dialogue between geotechnical engineers and other engineering bodies.

academics ADAPTED

The Georesources, Geohazards, Geotechnics master's degree offered by our university comprises a single "Geosciences Applied to Land Development Engineering" (GAIA) course, which is a solid 2-year academics geological and geotechnical engineering program, professionally oriented from the first year onwards. academics focuses on the acquisition of knowledge in civil and geotechnical engineering geology, geomorphology, soil and rock mechanics, strength of materials, hydrogeology, geophysics and natural hazards. It links field knowledge in applied geology and geomechanics as closely as possible. It also includes optional courses in remediation, soil remediation and pedology. Career opportunities lie in the "Building and Public Works" sector in the broadest sense: geological engineer - geotechnician, site supervisor, hydrogeologist. The assignments entrusted to you concern reconnaissance - studies - work in civil engineering geology, geotechnics and hydrogeology, from soil investigation to the dimensioning of structures.


<b>A l’issue de la première année</b> les étudiants savent caractériser les sols d’un point de vue géologique, géotechnique, géophysique, hydrogéologique, et réaliser une étude de sol en laboratoire. Ils sont capables d’identifier les instabilités gravitaires en risques naturels. Ils savent construire un modèle géologique de subsurface, et un modèle hydrogéologique. Ils ont acquis les pré-requis en résistance des matériaux et en mécanique des sols et des roches nécessaires au dimensionnement des fondations et soutènements enseigné en seconde année.

<b>A l’issue de la seconde année</b>, les étudiants savent :

  • Establish a geotechnical model and design conventional and special foundations and retaining walls
  • Carry out a geological/hydrogeological synthesis for major linear development projects: roads, railways (and underground works for those who have taken the "underground works" option), and carry out pre-sizing of these structures.
  • Designing and sizing retaining structures and protective structures against natural hazards
  • Design and dimension urban and agricultural hydraulic structures (for those who have taken the "hydraulics" option)

<b>Ce Master s’appuie sur l’acquisition </b>:

  • A strong background in the geosciences, with the University's location enabling it to take advantage of nearby land and major works.
  • A fundamental understanding of processes, made possible by the presence of teachers and professionals with a broad and continuous spectrum of skills.

Emphasis is placed on the notion of sustainability of the planned or completed development, by taking into account environmental constraints, particularly in mountain areas. Most of the program has a particular meaning in the mountains, for example in geotechnics: support structures, anchoring, foundations for engineering structures, tunnel construction, knowledge and characterization of soils and rocks to determine the stability of massifs, hazard recognition and the construction of protection systems against natural hazards, erosion and soil protection-rehabilitation, are all fields impacted by the presence of reliefs and slopes. The same applies to hydrogeology and project management, which are applied in this context.


<strong>Débouchés – métiers :</strong>
  • Geotechnical engineer ;
  • Hydrogeologist ;
  • Works supervisor.
GAIA Master's students find employment in geotechnical engineering (80%), natural hazards, hydrogeology, hydraulics and soil remediation, in most cases following their end-of-study internship.


You can find all the details on teaching elements of the Master's degree in Applied Geosciences for Planning Engineering on our training catalog.


<strong>Responsable pédagogique</strong>

  •  +33 4 79 75 87 41

Mountain training secretariat

  • +33 4 79 75 87 08

<strong>Scolarité administrative Bourget</strong>

  • +33 4 79 75 81 58