

<strong id="yui_3_17_2_1_1714114734251_848">La permanence au bureau des stages (bât. 8B 278) sera exceptionnellement restreinte du 25 avril au 31 mai. <br id="yui_3_17_2_1_1714114734251_849" />Pendant cette période, le bureau sera ouvert au public uniquement les mardis après-midis et vendredis toute la journée.<br id="yui_3_17_2_1_1714114734251_850" /><br id="yui_3_17_2_1_1714114734251_851" />Merci d’en prendre bonne note et d’anticiper le dépôt ou le retrait de vos conventions.</strong>

Science and Mountain Internship Office

The internship office is responsible for the administrative follow-up of your internship agreements (verification of administrative information and validation).

Il est situé<strong> bâtiment 8B – bureau 278</strong>

You can reach us by e-mail at

Breakdown of courses and office hours

pStage - Agreement creation procedures

pStage is the online platform for creating your internship agreement. It is accessible via your student Intranet.

Direct access (with your login and password).

Before creating your agreement, please familiarize yourself with the procedures and steps involved.

<strong>Téléchargez la procédure simplifiée et le formulaire de pré-remplissage ci-dessous</strong> pour créer votre convention.

12 steps to creating an internship agreement

Simplified input procedure in pStage

Pre-filling form - preparing for pStage

Internship bonus

For internships of 308 hours or more (or 2 months - 44 days), gratification is compulsory (for internships in France).

The 308 hours are calculated on the total duration of the internship at the host company. In the case of an extended internship, if the total number of hours exceeds 308 hours, gratuity becomes mandatory and retroactive.

The net hourly rate is €4.35/hour. This hourly rate is a minimum.

<strong>Calculez le nombre d’heures de votre stage et la gratification avec le simulateur ci-dessous</strong> (pour les mois incomplets, pensez à modifier le nombre de jours dans la colonne correspondante).

For internships lasting less than 308 hours, no bonus is payable unless the host organization wishes to pay one to the intern.

<strong>Toute gratification doit être mentionnée dans la convention ou faire l’objet d’un avenant à la convention.</strong>

One day of training = 7h (35h / week)

Duration of internship = number of days x 7 hours => this is the number of hours that must be included in the agreement.

<em>Exemples :</em>

For a 3-month full-time internship between January and March :

January: 7h x 22d = 154h

February: 7h x 20d = 140h

March: 7h x 22d = 154h

A total of 448 hours => bonus of €4.05 net/hour

For a 2-month continuous internship between January and February, for example:

January: 7h x 22d = 154h

February: 7h x 20d = 140h

A total of 294 hours => no bonus required

<em>Pour un stage discontinu :</em>

2 days of 7h/week between January and June = 364h (or 52 days) of actual work at the facility => bonus of €4.05/hour.


Regulatory texts :


<strong>Le stage ne pas peut commencer avant la signatur</strong>e de la convention par toutes les personnes signataires.

Who signs the agreement :

  • the trainee (or his/her legal representative if he/she is a minor) ;
  • the representative of the host organization (director, president, HR manager, etc.) ;
  • the representative of the educational establishment in which the trainee is enrolled (director of the UFR Sciences et Montagne);
  • the host organization's internship tutor ;
  • the school's reference teacher.

At the end of the internship, the host organization issues an internship certificate to all students. This attestation states the total effective duration of the internship and the total amount of any gratuity paid to the intern.

The internship certificate is the document you need to prove that you have completed your internship. It is sent to you with the internship agreement.

You may be asked for it when registering for training courses or a job...

Don't forget to have your internship certificate completed and signed by your host organization at the end of your internship.

And keep it safe

There are two validations in pStage :

  • Pedagogical validation: this is carried out by the person in charge of your year of study, who checks the conditions of the internship and their consistency with the pedagogical project. The teacher in charge may ask you for clarification or modifications to the agreement.
  • Administrative validation: this is done by the internship office when it receives a fully signed and compliant copy of the agreement.
    Both validations must be completed before the start of the course.

Different countries require different approaches.
You should contact SceM's International Relations advisor in advance of your project:
Souhila Slim
Building 8B - office 272
04 79 75 86 09 –

<strong>Comment bénéficier d’une bourse de stage à l’étranger ?</strong>

  • The internship must be compulsory and earns credits.
  • The internship bonus must not exceed €623.70 net/month and €733.70 net/month for students receiving CROUS grants.
  • A single grant: regional grant or Erasmus+ grant
  • No funding if the student's accommodation during the internship is in France
  • No additional funding if the internship is extended beyond the duration initially planned
  • The application must be made one month before the start of the internship.

More information on the USMB website:

It is possible to extend an internship, subject to the conditions set out below and the signature of an amendment to the initial agreement indicating the new dates and duration of the internship:

  • the extension is provided for in the curriculum or regulatory documents of the academics organization (for compulsory internships);
  • the teacher-referent agrees;
  • the total duration of the extended internship does not exceed 924 hours per teaching year in the same host organization;
  • the extended internship must end before the jury date (for compulsory internships) or before the end of the academic year as determined by the school (for non-compulsory internships).

To extend the internship, you need to create a rider, which follows the same validation circuit as the agreement.

  • Compulsory internship: This is an internship for which ECTS credits are awarded and which counts towards your year/diploma. It is specified in the academics
  • Optional internship: this is a non-ECTS-granting internship that does not count towards the year's diploma. It must be carried out outside course and exam periods (school vacations, for example).

The SIREN number (for "Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises") is the unique identification number of each company. This number is used to identify each company to the authorities. It also exists for associations and public bodies. It consists of 9 digits.

The SIRET number (for "Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements") identifies each establishment within a company. There are as many SIRET numbers as there are establishments within a company. It is made up of 14 digits: the 9 digits of the SIREN number + the 5 digits of the NIC (internal classification number specific to each establishment).

The NAF or APE code identifies the structure's main branch of activity. It consists of 5 characters (4 digits and a letter).

Example: Université Savoie Mont Blanc

SIREN number: 197308588

SIRET number: 19730858800015

NAF or APE code: 8542Z - Higher education


<strong>Comment trouver ces informations ?</strong>

Ask your corporate killer or the signatory of the host structure for this information.

Help finding an internship

The BAIP (Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle) team is on hand to help you with any questions you may have:

  • Designing your application tools (CV and cover letter)
  • Preparing for a recruitment interview
  • Company search

<strong>Contacts :</strong> ou par téléphone au 04 79 75 94 83.

Don't hesitate to specify the points you'd like to discuss with the advisor, as well as your availability.

Visit Corporate Club allows you to access internship offers on your personal Career center space.

Regulatory texts