The Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie (BUT) is a 3-year course of study based on university courses, practical work experience and extensive periods spent in companies, to offer a diploma tailored to the professions of today and tomorrow. It's a diploma built with and for companies!

Discover the Bachelor of Technology

Projects, internships, work-study programs and jobs

Are you a company with an internship, work-study program, job offer or project to propose?

• Vous avez la possibilité de déposer des offres de stage ou d’emploi sur notre page Linkedin ou sur Jobteaser.
• Consultez la plaquette des stages pour obtenir toutes les informations sur les périodes de stage des étudiants de l’IUT d’Annecy.

The company recruits a young employee, who at the same time follows a academics course linked to his professional activity.

There are two types of work-study contracts:

Work-study students have the status of employees on fixed-term contracts (permanent contracts are possible) for the duration of their academics. Work placements account for between 50 and 75% of the total time spent at academics, according to the specific rhythm of each company. The company is free to recruit from among candidates pre-selected by the IUT and its partners.

Practical details

Depending on the course, applicants may be pre-selected between February and July.

Courses generally start between September and the end of October. Good to know: work-study students can be recruited right up to the start of the school year, depending on the number of places available.

The benefits

Recruiting a work-study student has a number of advantages:

In addition, financial benefits are offered to employers who recruit a student on a sandwich course. Once again this year, the company benefits from an extended government grant of 6,000 euros until the end of December 2023.

partner organizations

Turn this tax into resources for your company! Pay your tax to the Annecy IUT, and invest in the future by investing in academics your future employees.

Every year, the taxe d'apprentissage (apprenticeship tax) finances the renewal and acquisition of equipment and materials that keep us at the cutting edge of technology and enable us to offer high-performance training courses that are as close as possible to the realities of the marketplace.

The Annecy IUT is authorized to collect the "Balance" part of the apprenticeship tax.

Thanks to your support, we have been able to acquire the following equipment:

- An ion chromatography machine
- A water-jet cutting machine
- A Doppler radar
- A laser filter
- Computer and audiovisual equipment


Since 2023, URSSAF has been responsible for collecting the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage through your DSN. The sums collected by URSSAF will then be transferred to Caisse des Dépôts. In a second phase, it will be up to you to allocate your funds to IUT Annecy and its courses via a new allocation platform, SOLTéa.

The platform will be accessible from May 27 to October 4, 2024 to allocate your apprenticeship tax balance. Here is our UAI code: 0741133E.


partnerships and collaborations

The Annecy IUT was created almost 50 years ago to carry out a specific mission within the university world:

the academics technologically advanced technicians our region needed.

In view of the professional integration of more than 20,000 graduates and the positive feedback from companies, there's no need for a detailed assessment of their success. Added to this macroscopic assessment is the undeniable role played by the IUT in giving new populations access to higher education, and in the local networking of the higher education system.

Photo of a graduation ceremony: students in their graduation uniforms on the forecourt of Annecy's IUT.

More recently, the Annecy IUT has been a major force in the development of training courses in partnership with other university departments, as well as with professional and socio-economic players. The IUT has evolved to keep pace with our region's academic and socio-economic environment. With the introduction of the Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie program, the Annecy IUT is an essential vector of professionalization within theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

Annecy's IUT has forged a number of partnerships that enable it to :

The recruitment of 1,800 trainees
Students complete 700 consulting projects
The recruitment of 250 part-time teachers from the professional world, who provide 1/3 of the courses
Financing heavy technical equipment (via the apprenticeship tax)
Recruiting our graduates

All our training courses are developed in partnership with companies and professional circles, who play an active role in designing programs, teaching courses and sitting on juries.

The success of the Annecy IUT is certainly linked to many factors, but the permanent interface between the IUT and companies is a major factor.

Support for the region's companies

- Hosting interns
- Collaborating with the school's research laboratoriesUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
- Request to carry out study projects
- Financial support from the apprenticeship tax
- Integration of over 120 professionals in the teaching given to students

The IUT also relies on the Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blancto foster links between IUT students and the business world.

Corporate Club

A unique network to strengthen business/university synergies

One of the strengths of the Annecy IUT is its ability to rely on the Club des Entreprises de l'Université Savoie Mont Blanc to foster links between IUT students and the professional world. Created in 1991, the Club des Entreprises is an independent association of general interest, and a partner ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc , with which it has signed an agreement for the benefit of the university's components.

The Club des Entreprises is a model of interface and partnership between companies and universities that is unique in France. Today, it has 100 members from representative companies and organizations in the two Savoie regions, over 1,500 partner companies working alongside students, and almost 27,000 contacts in the business world.

Its vocation is to initiate and develop cross-disciplinary links between higher education and companies (and, more broadly, the different professional worlds), through the personal involvement of executives and managers on the one hand, and teacher-researchers and students on the other. For students, it's a genuine channel for learning about the business world, and a means of effectively increasing their potential for professional integration into the economic fabric. For companies, the Club is a way of staying close to the teaching world, and providing them with the resources they need to ensure their own development and the long-term future of their business.

The Corporate Club's mission

Carry out concrete actions to bring together students, teachers and companies, based on a three-pronged strategy:

through the personal involvement of company managers in the professionalization of teaching: participation in management and development boards, recruitment of professionals as part-time lecturers or as members of professional juries, etc.

by integrating future graduates into companies at a very early stage, through internships, work-study programs, dissertation projects, research and surveys, etc. The Club advises and guides students in their approach to companies: drafting professional tools, methodology for effective job applications, personal development and "savoir-être".

through high-profile events such as the Semaine Emploi & Entreprise, the Stages' Festival, or the Job Dating de l'Alternance... as well as smaller professional meetings such as Déjeuners RH, Conférences métiers or Visites d'entreprises. IUT students also take part in a host of other events organized just for them: Challenge de l'Idée, Management au Féminin, Les Entretiens du Club, Training Job Kfé...