05/17 - IT Department graduation ceremony

On Friday May 17, students graduating with their Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science (year 2023) will receive their diplomas at a ceremony in the EVE building.

Computer Night

On December 7 and 8, 2023, from 4:38pm to 8:06am, the "most fun serious-game ever, with thousands of students developing a computer application in one night" took place: the night of L'Info [...].

06/10 - Forum des métiers de l'Informatique

The Eispri Stic association and the teaching staff of the Computer Science department organize their annual forum on IT careers, bringing together students in the field and companies in the sector to promote professional integration. [...]

Career fairs 2023-24

Are you looking for information on careers guidance and options in high school, with a view to applying for higher education? Come and talk to teachers and staff from the USMB's science courses [...].


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Everything happens here Open until May 12, 2023 Objective: To enable entrepreneurs committed to tomorrow's energy challenges to structure, secure and accelerate their innovative project. Project leaders, [...]