Who we are

ACCENTS is the French language center ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.

We've been offering year-round French courses for foreigners (F.L.E) from level A1 to C2 since 1981.

We're located on the Jacob-Bellecombette campus, a 10-minute walk from downtown Chambéry.
Here, you'll discover an exceptional area between lake and mountains. Chambéry welcomes you to a city on a human scale, offering you a rewarding and reassuring student life.

Part of the International Relations Department, the center offers language courses for anyone wishing to improve their French language skills.

The center is also an authorized examination center for France Éducation International (FEI) and Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (CCI) international French language certifications.

Accents, our university center for French as a foreign language, is :

  • Year-round French courses in small groups (6 to 15 students)
  • A school on a human scale (50-60 students) with a personalized welcome
  • A recognized quality center with the Qualité FLE label
  • A team of passionate, experienced professionals
  • Attractive rates
  • A green campus with access to university services : library, sports facilities, restaurant, cafeteria and discounted cultural events, etc.
  • Cultural, sporting and leisure activities organized to discover the region
  • Assistance in organizing your arrival and stay in France (visa, accommodation...)
  • An FEI-certified center for French language exam s (DELF, DALF, TCF...)

Open since 1981 and now part ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, ACCENTS (formerly ISEFE) specializes in teaching French language and culture to non-French-speaking foreigners.

It has been awarded the Qualité FLE label by the Commission Interministérielle de Labellisation des Centres de Français Langue Etrangère since 2007, and is a member of the Association des Directeurs de Centres Universitaires d'Etudes du Français pour Etrangers (ADCUEFE).

The ACCENTS center holds the Label Qualité Français Langue Etrangère (Quality Label for French as a Foreign Language ) issued by France Education International and awarded by an interministerial commission (Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Europe, Ministry of Culture).

In 2021 and for a period of four years, the ACCENTS center has been awarded 3 stars (i.e. the maximum rating) in each of the reference areas:

  • Training and education
  • Teachers
  • Welcome, support
  • Premises, safety, equipment
  • Management

The Label Qualité FLE identifies, recognizes and promotes French as a foreign language centers whose language offerings and services offer guarantees of quality.