The different certifications



Les inscriptions pour le TCF IRN, TCF Canada et le DELF sont en ligne.

The center is accredited for France Éducation International (FEI) and Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (CCI) international French language certifications.

Intended for: students, professionals, applicants for French nationality, migrants to Canada or Quebec, and any non-French speaker wishing to attest to an international level of French.

Accents reserves the right to cancel a session if fewer than 3 candidates are registered. You will be notified at least 2 weeks before the exam date and will receive a full refund.

Attention : tous les examens proposés se passent en présentiel, dans le centre d’examens Accents situé à Chambéry, Savoie (73), France.


Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail à



Various exam sessions are offered during the academic year:

DELF and DALF are official diplomas issued by the French Ministry of Education to certify the French language skills of foreign candidates and French nationals from non-French-speaking countries who do not hold a French public secondary or higher education diploma.


Anyone wishing to enhance their French language skills for personal or professional purposes.

Information - DELF-DALF registration



The TCF IRN is intended for all foreigners over the age of 16 wishing to validate their level of French in order to :

  • an application for French nationality ;
  • an application for a long-term resident card ;
  • validation of A1 level as part of the OFII citizenship program.


Information - Registration TCF IRN

Anyone who, for personal, academic or professional reasons, needs to evaluate and validate their knowledge of French in a reliable and recognized way.

A B2 level in this test is required to enter a French university.

Information - TCF TP registration

Le TCF Canada est un test obligatoire dans le cadre  des programmes d’immigration économique qui nécessitent des preuves de connaissances linguistiques, à la demande de Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada.

Le TCF Canada constitue également une preuve indispensable du niveau de maîtrise de la langue française pour obtenir la citoyenneté canadienne.


Toute personne de plus de 16 ans voulant migrer au Canada ou Québec ou souhaitant faire une demande de citoyenneté canadienne.

Inscription TCF Canada