Title / Titre:  Doctor / Docteur

Contact / Courriel:

Telephone / Téléphone: +33 (0) 479 758 779

Addresse / Adresse: Bâtiment Polytech, Campus Scientifique, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, 73 376 Le Bourget du Lac cedex, France

Personal website / Site-web personnel:

Research topics / Thèmes de recherche: Classics, Linguistics, Digital Humanities, Semantic Web, Ontology, Terminology

Teaching / Enseignement: 

Post-graduate course / Ecole doctorale, Université  Savoie Mont Blanc (France), web page:

Post-graduate course / Ecole doctorale, Liaocheng University (China), web page:

Post-graduate course / Ecole doctorale, Nanjing University NUAA (China), web page:



“Modeling in Mathematics and History as Teaching and Learning Approaches to Pandemics.” M. Papadopoulou, P. Argyri, Z. Smyrnaiou. Proceedings of the International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (IHSES), July 15-19, 2020, Washington, DC, USA. Paper accessible via conference website: Video accessible via youtube:

“Etude comparative de deux méthodes outillées pour la construction de terminologies et d’ontologies” S. Desprès, C. Roche, M. Papadopoulou. TOTh 2019. Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications. Chambéry, France, June 6-7, 2019. Paper accessible via HAL:

“Terminologie et Ontologie pour les Humanités Numériques. Le cas des vêtements de la Grèce antique.” C. Roche – M. Papadopoulou. Revue Humanités Numériques no. 2. Paper accessible via journal website:

“Rencontre entre une philologue et un terminologue au pays des ontologies.” C. Roche – M. Papadopoulou. Revue Ouverte d’Intelligence Artificielle, Volume 1, n°1 (2020), pp. 43-70. Paper accessible via journal website:

“An Ontology of Chinese Ceramic Vases.” Wei Tong, C. Roche,  M. Papadopoulou, Jia Yangli. In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management – Volume 2: KEOD, ISBN 978-989-758-474-9, pages 53-63. DOI: 10.5220/0010110600530063 Paper accessible via ontologia:

“Terminologie et Ontologie pour l’Héritage Culturel : Le projet TAO CI.” Wei Tong, C. Roche, M. Papadopoulou, Jia Yangli. TOTh 2020, Terminology & Ontology : Theories and applications, Chambéry (France), 24-25 November 2020. Download conference programme from TOTh conference website:


“Textile Archaeology.” In K. Vandorpe (ed.) Blackwell Companion to Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt. Wiley – Blackwell, Chichester/Malden, MA.

“Τhe role of prepositional locatives in the Greek garb vocabulary cluster.” In W. M. Short, E. Mocciaro (eds.) Toward a Cognitive Classical Linguistics. The Embodied Basis of Constructions in Greek and Latin, De Gryuter, Berlin. ISBN: 9783110616767.

“Mind the Gap: Ontology Authoring for Humanists.” C. Roche, M. Papadopoulou. 1st International Workshop for Digital Humanities and their Social Analysis (WODHSA)- Episode V: The Styrian Autumn of Ontology, September 23-25, a Workshop hosted by Joint Ontology Workshops, Medical University of Graz (Austria), September 23-25, 2019. Paper accessible via CEUR poceedings website:

“Building ontology-based dictionaries for Greek material culture terms.” M. Papadopoulou, C. Roche. 1st International Workshop on Open Data and Ontologies for Cultural Heritage. Rome, Italy, June 3, 2019. Paper accessible via CEUR poceedings website:


“Twinning Classics and A.I.: Building the new generation of ontology-based lexicographical tools and resources for Humanists on the Semantic Web.” M. Papadopoulou, C. Roche. In S. Krauwer, D. Fišer (eds.) TwinTalks at DHN 2018 – Understanding Collaboration in Digital Humanities. Open access, University of Copenhagen, 5th March 2019. Paper accessible via workshop website:

“Ontologization of Terminology. A worked example from the domain of ancient Greek dress.” M. Papadopoulou, C. Roche. AIDAinformazioni Journal, number 1-2/2018, volume XXXVI, pp. 89-107. Limited view available from journal website:

“Structuring Humanities’ Data through Formal Domain Ontologies.” M. Papadopoulou, C. Roche. EADH 2018: « Data in Digital Humanities ». 7-9 December 2018, Galway, Ireland. Conference programme accessible via conference website:

“Tedi: a platform for ontologisation of multilingual terminologies for the Semantic Web.” M. Papadopoulou, C. Roche. SEMAPRO 2018: The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing. 18-22 November 2018, Athens, Greece. Paper accessible from conference website Best paper award:

“Définition ontologique du terme. Le cas des vêtements de la Grèce antique.” C. Roche, M. Papadopoulou. LTT 2018, Lexicologie Terminologie Traduction, Grenoble (France), 27-28 septembre 2018.

“Transparency of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Terms.” Zhenling Zhang, Yangli Jia, Christophe Roche, Xuecheng Zhang, Julien Roche, Maria Papadopoulou. TOTh 2018, Terminology & Ontology : Theories and applications, Chambéry (France), 7-8 June 2018. Proceedings available from ontologia: