Martin Cerny, Jiri Nekola and Vilem Novak Short abstracts : Seventh National Symposium – 1988
Beloslav Riecan Indefinite integral in fuzzy quantum spaces
Blahoslav Harman On the distance between modified fuzzy numbers
Jiri Nekola and Milos Vitek Some aspects of fuzzy techniques application in biotechnology
Milan Mares Some Marginal Remarks on Fuzzy Manager
Slavka Bodjanova Fuzzy partition induced by positive semi-definite similarity matrix
Anatolij Dvurecenskij and Frantisek Kopka On the representation of observables in fuzzy – quantum spaces
Ferdinand Chovanec Compatibility in quasi-orthokomplemented posets
Michal Otradovec Multicritical evaluation under uncertainty on the base of theory of fuzzy sets and linguistic variable
Anna Parulekova On the kurzweil integral of fuzzy functions and real functions
Dagmar Markechova The entropy of fuzzy dynamical systems
Janos C. Fodor Some remarks on fuzzy implication operators
Xu Yang Lattice-valued logic and three-valued logic
Wagish Shukla and Sangita Rai Multisets, fuzzy sets and computing
Cheng Jinpeng and Yue Changan Classification of generalized set and its operation rules
Yue Chang-an The complex fuzzy metric space – the grey metric space
Anna Tirpakova The Hahn-Jordan decomposition of fuzzy quantum spaces
Radko Mesiar and Kyzysztof Piasecki Bayes principle and fuzzy disjointness
Li Shoumei On the Variance of a Fuzzy Random Variable
Dagmar Markechova Isomorphism and conjugation of fuzzy dynamical systems
Jaroslaw Pykacz Fuzzy set description of physical systems and their dynamics
Mario Fedrizzi, Michele Fedrizzi and Walenty Ostas Towards fuzzy modelling in economics
H. Akdag and D. Pachokczyk Incertitude et logique multivalente : premi?re partie : ?tude th?orique
Pei-zhuang Wang Truth-valued-flow inference
Ladislav Madarasz, Laszlo T. Koczy and Ondrej Lisk Fuzzy decision-making in the planning of assembly heads for industrial robots
Li Tingjie Fuzzy reliability of voting systems
D.I. Shapiro and V.S. Rotenberg Decision making in man-machine systems: fuzzy categories and the functional asymmetry of the brain : part II
Mo Zhi-wen and Liu Wang-Jin Fuzzy Syntopogenous g-families and Fuzzy Syntopogenous Structures
Edited by Elie Sanchez, Lotfi A. Zadeh Book Review : Approximate Reasoning in Intelligent Systems, Decision and Control