Anatolij Dvurecenskij, Ferdinand Chovanec |
Compatibility and summability of observables in fuzzy quantum spaces |
Anatolij Dvurecenskij, Beloslav Riecan and Frantis |
On a representation theorem of obserbables in ordered spaces |
Frantisek Kopka and Ferdinand Chovanec |
Martingale convergence theorem in F-quantum spaces |
Radko Mesiar |
Fuzzy probability measures and the bayes formula |
Radko Mesiar |
On fuzzy events ill defined under klement »s fuzzy probability measure |
Radko Mesiar |
Caratheodory’s measurability of fuzzy events |
Pavel Pis and Radko Mesiar |
Modeling of a goal oriented rule based knowledge system |
Beloslav Riecan |
On martingales in general ordered systems |
Beloslav Riecan |
On some mathematical models of quantum machanical systems |
Krassimir T. Atanassov |
A second type of intuitionistic fuzzy sets |
Krassimir T. Atanassov |
Relations between both types of intuitionistic fuzzy sets |
Xinmin Yang |
On convex fuzzy sets |
Giangiacomo Gerla |
Closure operators: an extension principle |
Ye Xiao-Hong |
Fuzzy W-pre-semicontinuous mappings |
Krassimir T. Atanassov |
Constraint logic programming and intuitionistic fuzzy logics |
Rolanda Predescu |
Possibility-based adptation of casuistic reasoning models |
Vilem Novak |
Logical analysis of max-min rule of inference |
Bernard Fustier |
Evaluation multicritere : une approche qualitative |
Yue Changan, Zhang Ruoping and Li Kede |
The application of fuzzy mathematics to the apprasal of the classroom teaching qualities |
L. A. Zadeh |
How I got interested in fuzziness |