Nicolas MEGER

Publié le lun 11 Jan 2021

  French version

Professor, University of Savoie Mont Blanc, IUT Annecy

Vice President for International Relations


nicolas.meger –@– | +33(0) 4 50 09 65 58

Research interests

My research is about sifting through temporal and spatiotemporal datasets with the aim of extracting and selecting regularities from which knowledge can be derived.

Keywords: Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Data Mining, Remote Sensing.

Featured publications

A. M. Atto, S. Galichet, D. Pastor, N. Méger. On Joint Parameterizations of Linear and Nonlinear Functionals in Neural Networks. Neural Networks, volume 160, pp.12-21, March 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2022.12.019

N. Méger, C. Rigotti, C. Pothier, T. Nguyen, F. Lodge, L. Gueguen, R. Andréoli, M-P. Doin and M. Datcu. Ranking Evolution Maps for Satellite Image Time Series Exploration – Application to Crustal Deformation and Environmental Monitoring. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, volume 33, issue 1, pp. 131-167, January 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10618-018-0591-9.

Comprehensive publications list


  • CISP: for selecting complementary and informative sequential patterns extracted from partial unimodal probabilistic bases of sequences. Tuan Nguyen, Nicolas Méger (LISTIC).
  • DFTS-P2miner: for extracting and ranking reliable maximal Grouped Frequent Sequential patterns (GFS-patterns) from Displacement Field Times Series (DFTS) and their confidence measures. Tuan Nguyen, Nicolas Méger (LISTIC), Christophe Rigotti (LIRIS), Catherine Pothier (LIRIS), Andreea Julea, Felicity Lodge, Quentin Chalabi, Aymeric Gaillard.
  • SITS-P2miner: for extracting and ranking maximal Grouped Frequent Sequential patterns (GFS-patterns) from Satellite Image Times Series (SITS). Nicolas Méger (LISTIC), Christophe Rigotti (LIRIS), Andreea Julea, Felicity Lodge, Quentin Chalabi, Hoang Viet Tuan Nguyen, Aymeric Gaillard, Clément Bois, Olivier Bal-Petre.
  • SPATPAM (an evolution of DMT4SP): for extracting Grouped Frequent Sequential patterns (GFS-patterns) from Satellite Image Times Series (SITS). It is now included in SITS-P2miner. Christophe Rigotti (LIRIS), Andreea Julea, Nicolas Méger (LISTIC).
  • WinMiner: for extracting episode rules having optimal temporal windows from event sequences/time series. Nicolas Méger (LISTIC), Christophe Rigotti (LIRIS).


Main projects

PhD thesis supervision

  • Hoang Viet Tuan Nguyen, Prise en compte de la qualité des données lors de l’extraction et la sélection d’évolutions dans les séries temporelles de champs de déplacements en imagerie satellitaire, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2018.
  • Andreea Maria Julea, Extraction de motifs spatio-temporels dans des séries d’images de télédétection : application à des données optiques et radar, 2011.
  • Florent Martin, Pronostic de défaillances de pompes à vide – Exploitation automatique de règles extraites par fouille de données, 2011.

Teaching activities – IUT Annecy / INFO

  • Information system design and modeling.
  • Data mining.
  • Big data.
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Professional career / Education

  • Engineer’s degree in Computer Science. – 2001 INSA LYON.
  • Master’s degree in Knowledge Discovery in Databases. – 2002 INSA LYON.
  • PhD degree in Knowledge Discovery in Databases. – 2004 INSA LYON.
  • Associate Professor. – 2005 UNIVERSITY OF SAVOIE MONT BLANC.
  • Habilitation. – 2013 UNIVERSITY OF SAVOIE MONT BLANC.