Professionals: partners and companies

Apprenticeship tax

How to allocate your TA balance to UFR Sciences et Montagne?

Our training courses

The UFR Sciences et Montagne offers a wide range of scientific courses in the fields of :

  • Ecology - Environment - Geography - Green chemistry
  • Networks and telecommunications
  • Sports - Motor skills - Ergonomics
  • Geotechnics - Natural hazards
  • IT - Mathematics
Bac + 2 DEUST (Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques)
Bac + 3 Bachelor's degree (8 specializations)
Professional bachelor's degree (3 specializations)
Bac + 5 Master's (8 specializations)
Master of Engineering : IT - Geosciences
Bac + 8 PhD Science, Engineering, Environment
University Diploma (DU) Optimizing performance in elite athletes



Work-study programs combine a theoretical apprenticeship at academics with a practical apprenticeship at a company. There are two types of contract for a academics sandwich course: the apprenticeship contract and the professionalization contract.

L’UFR Sciences et montagne propose <strong>13 formations en alternance de Bac +3 à Bac +8</strong>

  • Efficiently recruit your future employee, who is motivated, already involved in the life of the company, and well-trained
  • Benefit from the knowledge and skills of the work-study student to reflect and gain technical perspective
  • Benefit from studies and projects supervised by the academics pedagogical team - tools and methods made available.
  • Responding to the need to renew skills - Coping with an increase in activity
  • Benefit from financial assistance to cover your remuneration

Licence 3 & Master - Networks and Telecommunications



Master in Environmental Management - L Pro Agro-ecology

Licence Pro Environnement - Master Chemistry

Guide to SceM work-study programs


Internships - Projects

Internships :

All courses include periods of work experience in a professional environment (companies, public bodies, educational establishments, etc.):
– Stages de découverte, d’orientation (<2 mois)
- Professional internships (2 to 6 months)

Under the responsibility of a mentor teacher and an internship tutor, students will perfect their academics skills and gain practical experience in a professional environment.

Course calendar at UFR Sciences et Montagne


Projects :

The missions, known as projects, are orders given to groups of students by companies or institutions within the framework of partnerships with the UFR Sciences et Montagne.

Each group acts as a consultant, collaborating with the company's client departments to ensure that the project runs smoothly.
This work takes place on university premises and is supervised by a teacher-tutor.



Apprenticeship tax

<strong>L’Unité de Formation et de Recherche Sciences et Montagne (UFR SceM), </strong>composante de l’université Savoie Mont Blanc – qui associe 9 départements de formation et 9 laboratoires de recherche – est habilitée à percevoir le solde de la taxe d’apprentissage.

With your support the UFR SceM :

  • <strong>Investit</strong> dans des matériels de pointe pour nos formations
  • <strong>Développe</strong> une offre de formation qui répond au plus près aux besoins des étudiantes et des étudiants
  • <strong>Anticipe</strong> pour donner aux étudiantes et étudiants, des savoirs et des technologies en constante évolution
  • <strong>Renforce</strong> la professionnalisation de nos filière et le lien avec les entreprises
  • <strong>Anticipe</strong> et répond aux attentes de plus en plus pointues des entreprises


From 2023, the terms and conditions for paying the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage will change:
  • URSSAF / MSA collect your TA balance directly via your DNS on May 5 or 15.
  • At the same time, Caisse des Dépôts registers your choice of assignment via the new platform Soltéa. <strong>Ce portail ouvrira le 25 mai</strong> pour l’affectation des fonds.


The USMB Business Club

The purpose of the Club des Entreprises is to connect companies and theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc

<strong>Nos services</strong>

  • An institutionalized partnership model, unprecedented in the academic world, for the mutual benefit of students and companies in the broadest sense of the term (professional circles).
  • High-value-added links between higher education and the professional environments for which students are destined
  • The personal involvement of managers and executives in a process of global rapprochement with the university (students, lecturers, governance), and vice versa.

<strong>Envoyez vos offres de stages à destination de l’UFR SceM à cette adresse mail : </strong>

<strong>Rejoindre le site internet du club des entreprises</strong>