<strong>L’Unité de Formation et de Recherche Sciences et Montagne (UFR SceM) </strong>est une composante de l’université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) et propose sur un site exceptionnel au Bourget-du-Lac des formations scientifiques :
- <strong>Sciences fondamentales, Terre, Environnement</strong>
- <strong>Montagne, Sports, Tourisme</strong>
- <strong>Technologies numériques</strong>
- <strong>Métiers de l’enseignement</strong>
<strong>L’UFR SceM</strong> présente de nombreux atouts pour qui veut acquérir une solide formation scientifique avec des parcours adaptés aux exigences de chacune et chacun :
- classic routes license (bac+3) master (bac+5) PhD (bac+8)
- career paths such as professional licenses
- international partnerships with foreign universities, enabling you to spend part of your studies abroad
<strong>Une offre de formation solide dans un environnement de qualité </strong>
- fruitful relationships with companies located on the site or in the Rhône-Alpes region, giving our training courses and laboratories permanent connections with the world of industry and technology
- a regional presence and strong links with local authorities, enriching contacts with our laboratories recognized for the excellence of their research, opening the door to teaching and research careers
- a quality of life and a cultural and sporting environment in the heart of the mountains and close to the lakes
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