Student life

Online services

Useful documents

The cross-disciplinary options (1 ECTS = 9h) offered for S1 of the Licence are as follows

  • CCI-S1 Climate Change Impacts and Solutions 1 (excluding Life Sciences)
  • Conference cycles 1
  • Physical and Sports Activities* (in French)

For S2 :

  • Lecture series 2
  • Physical and Sports Activities* (in French)

Attention : <strong>lors de votre inscription pédagogique vous devrez préciser votre choix</strong>.

*Once you've chosen this transversal option in your PI, you'll need to register on the SUAPS website for one of the activities on offer. Some of these activities have a limited number of places, so don't delay (

Student associations

8 student associations are accredited by USMB for the UFR Sciences et Montagne

There are also a number of cross-disciplinary associations on campus:

Discover all cross-functional associations on all 3 campuses. Cultural, sporting, civic and solidarity events, there's something for everyone!