Vous êtes intéressé par la <strong>Chimie, l’Electronique, la Géographie, l’Informatique, les Mathématiques, la Physique, les Réseaux et Télécommunications, les Sciences de la Vie</strong>, <strong>les Sciences de la Terre</strong>, ou les <strong>Sciences et Techniques des Activités physiques et Sportives</strong> ?
Vous souhaitez faire des <strong>études courtes</strong> ou bien poursuivre des <strong>études</strong> plus <strong>longues</strong> et vous diriger vers des professions <strong>d’ingénieur</strong>, <strong>d’enseignant</strong> ou bien de <strong>chercheurs</strong> ?
<strong>L’UFR SceM</strong> vous propose de nombreux cursus répondant à ces différentes attentes.
All our diplomas available after the BAC
The first degree in the LMD system (Licence, master, doctorat), the licence is a bac+3 diploma. It takes three years to complete at university. Accessible via Parcoursup, it offers an essentially theoretical course, requiring a high degree of autonomy on the part of students. The majority of students go on to further study.
A cousin of the bachelor's degree, it enables you to train for engineering professions without going to engineering school! In fact, this selective university option enables students to follow a 5-year Master's degree in Engineering, known as CMI.
The University Diploma (DU) is open to all students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate program at a university, but not only. It is also open to all professionals and job-seekers, and can be taken through academics or academics .
A single DEUST at the UFR SceM: academics AGAPSC Outdoor activities (APN) in the STAPS department enables students to acquire the prerogatives of leadership and supervision in summer outdoor physical activities outside a specific environment.