I'm a high school or university student

Vous êtes intéressé par la <strong>Chimie, l’Electronique, la Géographie, l’Informatique, les Mathématiques, la Physique, les Réseaux et Télécommunications, les Sciences de la Vie</strong>, <strong>les Sciences de la Terre</strong>, ou les <strong>Sciences et Techniques des Activités physiques et Sportives</strong> ?

Vous souhaitez faire des <strong>études courtes</strong> ou bien poursuivre des <strong>études</strong> plus <strong>longues</strong> et vous diriger vers des professions <strong>d’ingénieur</strong>, <strong>d’enseignant</strong> ou bien de <strong>chercheurs</strong> ?

<strong>L’UFR SceM</strong> vous propose de nombreux cursus répondant à ces différentes attentes.

All our diplomas available after the BAC

The first degree in the LMD system (Licence, master, doctorat), the licence is a bac+3 diploma. It takes three years to complete at university. Accessible via Parcoursup, it offers an essentially theoretical course, requiring a high degree of autonomy on the part of students. The majority of students go on to further study.

A cousin of the bachelor's degree, it enables you to train for engineering professions without going to engineering school! In fact, this selective university option enables students to follow a 5-year Master's degree in Engineering, known as CMI.

The University Diploma (DU) is open to all students enrolled in a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate program at a university, but not only. It is also open to all professionals and job-seekers, and can be taken through academics or academics .

A single DEUST at the UFR SceM: academics AGAPSC Outdoor activities (APN) in the STAPS department enables students to acquire the prerogatives of leadership and supervision in summer outdoor physical activities outside a specific environment.

The complete diagram of UFR SceM courses by level of study

Registration with theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc

Doctorat Master MEEF Master Master CMI Licence PRO Licence Licence CMI DEUST DU