Life Sciences Department

The Department of Life Sciences at the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc is made up of tenured and contract teaching staff who teach courses, tutorials and practical work in microbiology, biology, physiology, ecology, etc. They are supported in these tasks by administrative and technical staff.

Most of our teaching staff are also researchers in laboratories working on ecology and the mountain environment: CARRTEL, EDYTEM and LECA.

Headed by Dr. François Pellissier, the Department operates on a collegiate basis. It coordinates teaching investments in these disciplines, organizes timetabling and assessment, manages practical work platforms and specialized classrooms, and oversees the improvement of courses following their evaluation by students.

The Life Sciences Department coordinates international exchanges for students in the Life Sciences Bachelor's program. Each year, several students spend year 3 of their LSV at one of our 450 partner institutions abroad. At the same time, we welcome foreign students from Asia, America, Africa and Europe.

Training courses in which we are involved

<strong>Les Licences généralistes</strong>

<strong>Les Licences Pro</strong>

<strong>Les Masters</strong>

<strong>Les Doctorats </strong>

  • Ecology" and "Biology" specialties

Why choose UFR SceM to study Life Sciences?

<strong>Pour réussir dans l’enseignement supérieur.</strong>

The Life Sciences degree atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc offers a framework and a dimension conducive to personalized support. The average number of students enrolled in L1 is around 160: this allows for emulation through work in small groups, a teaching approach based on field trips and experimental practice, and an assessment system with a large proportion of continuous assessment. These factors help to explain the high success rate in LSV (over 95%) and the integration of these students into the selective courses mentioned above.

<strong>Pour bénéficier d’équipement de qualité</strong>…<strong>pour une approche des sciences du vivant reposant sur les pratiques expérimentales</strong>.

Because we are convinced that life science teaching relies heavily on observation, experimentation, analysis and interpretation of research work... since 1993, we have created and developed a specially dedicated Life Science Practical Work platform. Students learn cellular and molecular biology techniques, manipulate plant physiology equipment and biotechnology tools. Collections of animal and plant samples are also available.

<strong>Pour une équipe pédagogique disponible.</strong>

Teachers are based on the same campus as the students. This proximity makes it easier for them to intervene at students' request, to clarify a misunderstood point, help interpret experimental results or guide a group project. Students wishing to discover what Life Science research is all about can take part in a voluntary internship in one ofUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc 's laboratories, right from the undergraduate level: CARRTEL, EDYTEM and LECA. This initiative is a real plus when applying for a Master's degree.

Associated laboratories / research topics

The Life Sciences department is supported by the following research laboratories: CARRTEL, EDYTEM and LECA

<strong>Pour une pédagogie s’appuyant sur des méthodes innovantes.</strong>

The USMB has set up teaching tools and a support service for pedagogical innovation, which has enabled the department's teaching methods to evolve.

Interactive lecture halls with electronic devices to facilitate student participation, inverted lectures to optimize face-to-face time with the teacher, a moodle digital teaching platform for asynchronous work and formative assessment...

Organization chart

<strong>Florent ARTHAUD (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

Head of Master 2 "EcoMont

  • +33 (0)4 79 75 88 70
  • Bur. 217 - Bât. 08A-BELLEDONNE - BOURGET

<strong>Jean-Michel BOISSIER (Enseignant Contractuel)</strong>

Head of LASS license

  • +33 (0)4 79 75 87 99
  • Bur. 118 - Bât. 08A-BELLEDONNE - BOURGET

<strong>Nathalie CAYLA (Professeure Agrégée)</strong>

Head of Licence Pro "Agronomy

<strong>Geneviève CHIAPUSIO (Maitre de conférences)</strong>

<strong>Jean-Christophe CLEMENT (Professeur)</strong>

<strong>Nicolas DUBOIS (Professeur Agrégé)</strong>

<strong>David ETIENNE (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

  • +33 4 79 75 86 37
  • Bur. 206 - Bât. 08A-BELLEDONNE - BOURGET

<strong>Victor FROSSARD (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

Head of L2 Life Sciences

<strong>Christiane GALLET (Professeure)</strong>

<strong>Tony IANIELLO</strong>

Practical Work Platform Manager

<strong>Sébastien IBANEZ (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

Head of the Life Sciences degree program

<strong>Emilie LYAUTEY (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

<strong>François PELLISSIER (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

Director of the Life Sciences Department

  • +33 (0)4 79 75 88 69
  • Bur. 210 - Bât. 08A-BELLEDONNE - BOURGET

<strong>Jérôme POULENARD (Professeur)</strong>

Head of the "Environmental Sciences Applied to Mountains" Master's Degree

<strong>Glenn YANNIC (Maitre de Conférences)</strong>

Head of L3 Life Sciences


I joined the EPGM Master's program after a degree in biology. I wanted to go into environmental sciences in greater depth, without getting bogged down in too specific a field, like ecology for example. I was reassured by the variety of courses offered in the Master's program.

These two years have been rich in learning and encounters. The diversity of disciplines enables us to refine our professional intentions, as do the two internships offered in the curriculum. The courses are taught by professionals "in the field" and from the world of research: for me, this diversity of the "teaching body" is an asset, as it enables the dissemination of diverse ideas and stimulates critical thinking. Another asset is the variety of student profiles. During group work, which we often did, it's very interesting to be able to count on people who can complement the skills you don't have (life sciences; earth sciences; geography).

I'm currently in charge of ecological transition and tourism diversification in the public sector. I work in an EPCI with a population of 20,000, alongside elected representatives and at the heart of the challenges facing a mid-mountain region. My job is to implement the public policies put forward by the elected representatives. More specifically, my current mission is to deploy solutions aimed at reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the area; but also to organize the transition of tourism, by anticipating the gradual reduction in the snow cover period (and therefore skiing) and by involving the sector more strongly in the ecological and energy transition.

After 3 years studying on my island at the University of Corsica, I felt the need to find a academics more suited to my passion for the mountains, as well as the need to explore new "elsewhere". So I enrolled in the LP VALPESMONT after my licence pro qualité, which gave me a more concrete approach. I discovered new territories with new challenges and the keys to developing them, but I also made a number of enriching encounters, with many very constructive outings where learning comes from the experience of those involved. Two years later, I'm continuing my academics Middle Mountain Leader course, which I was preparing at the same time as academics , and I've returned to my valley to join the FFRAAC (Corsican federation of rural craft and agricultural fairs), which certifies fairgrounds and markets working to promote agricultural and craft products through popular events.

I took part in an Erasmus mobility program at the University of Uvigo in Galicia (North-West Spain) in Environmental Science. I can summarize this experience in three main areas: (i) my impression of university life at Uvigo, (ii) the support of the Erasmus community (ESN) and, most importantly for me, (iii) my integration into everyday life.
Classes were given in Spanish (but can be in English for some courses), and the teachers and students were friendly from the moment I arrived, which made for a favorable learning environment. Over and above our academic commitments, exchanges with the Erasmus community are, in a way, a lifesaver, as they give us real support from the moment we arrive in the city where we're studying, and provide us with people to turn to for any help we may need (health, accommodation, social links...). Finally, in my opinion, the highlight of my stay was clearly my integration into my study city (Ourense). Meeting Spaniards and volunteering/subscribing to associations made my stay special. In this respect, I kept in touch almost exclusively with people I'd met during extra-curricular activities.
This was a landmark year in my life. Today I look back on it with nostalgia and joy.


<strong>Responsable pédagogique</strong> : Sébastien IBANEZ

  • +33 (0)4 79 75 88 86

<strong>Scolarité administrative Bourget</strong>

  •  04 79 75 81 58