Scientific signature of SOLAR ACADEMY
Publications from projects supported by EUR SOLAR ACADEMY (in English)
In addition to respecting the scientific signature of your institution, publications and communications from projects supported by the EUR Solar Academy must bear the following entries:
« This work has been supported by the French National Research Agency, through Investments for Future Program (ref. ANR-18-EURE-0016 – Solar Academy). The research units X and Y are members of the INES Solar Academy Research Center.”
Publications des projets soutenus par l’EUR SOLAR ACADEMY (en français)
« Ce travail a bénéficié d’une aide de l’État gérée par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (réf. ANR-18-EURE-0016 – Solar Academy). Les unités de recherche X et Y sont membres de INES Solar Academy Research Center ».
Registration of publications in the open archive database HAL (exemple)
Deposited publications must be linked to their funding projects (metadata field « Projet(s) ANR ») as shown on pictures below: