Earth Sciences Department

We offer a wide range of recognized training courses in Earth Sciences at Bachelor's and Master's levels. Our strong point at academics is hands-on practice in geology and geophysics, taking advantage of the extraordinary Alpine setting around Chambéry. Our courses offer a wide and expanding range of career opportunities, with the possibility of moving into research or applied geology.

Training in earth sciences


Visit Bachelor's degree in earth sciences provides 3 possible routes:

  • the Geosciences course (L2, L3) is organized for progressive specialization in the various fields of Earth Sciences
  • the Environment (L2, L3) focuses on issues related to the management of natural environments, with more courses in biology and chemistry.
  • the CMI course (Cursus Master en Ingénierie) is a reinforced Geosciences pathway with 20% more courses to train for engineering careers through research.

We have also set up an international semester, based on certain L2 and L3 modules, which enables us to welcome foreign students and give our students the opportunity to practice English in their subject areas. Consult the information sheet.

Further information on Earth Sciences Licence Facebook page


  • the Master Georesources, Geohazards, Geotechnics is designed for students interested in geotechnics, one of the geosciences sectors with the best job prospects. At the start of the 2023 academic year, it will comprise two tracks:
    • Geosciences Applied to Land Development Engineering (GAIA) course focusing on the study, modeling and land development engineering of surficial geological formations.
    • ALEAS course (new route - opening 2023) orienté <strong>Recherche et Développement</strong> dans le domaine des aléas géologiques : aléas gravitaires (éboulements, glissements de terrain), aléas torrentiels, sismiques, volcaniques.
  • the Master in Environmental ManagementThis 3-course program is designed for students wishing to specialize in the study and management of environmental issues, particularly in mountain environments.

Teaching team

The academics offer in Earth Sciences at USMB is developed by the Teaching Department, made up of 18 teacher-researchers from the ISTerre and Edytem laboratories.


Professional integration

Geotechnics, hydrogeology, energy, environment, mineral resources, teaching and research

Associated laboratories

The Earth Sciences Department is supported by the ISTerre and Edytem research laboratories.


The versatility of the Master's program has enabled me to study different aspects of geology applied to the professional world: whether it's an opening towards research, the geotechnical field or the world of special works. The naturalist approach of academics, particularly in mountain environments, is a real asset for tackling construction site issues and proposing realistic solutions to geotechnical problems or those linked to natural hazards. The course is a real learning experience, with numerous case studies in the field. The more theoretical academics of structural design is also highly specialized, with differentiated courses. The icing on the cake is that academics is located in Le Bourget du Lac, in an idyllic setting for mountain lovers, with many courses given in the field. Joining the GAIA Master's program also means joining a network of competent people, with real follow-up for former students.

I really enjoyed my time atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, where everything is geared towards student success! First of all, the Le Bourget du Lac scientific campus is located in a unique natural setting: between the Lac du Bourget and the Alpine massifs, it's a great opportunity to study in this natural environment and at the same time just a stone's throw from major cities such as Lyon and Turin. The teaching environment is also pleasant, and I've been lucky enough to be in small classes in geology (20-25 students), so the teaching is more personalized and the teacher/student ratio is closer. This bachelor's degree is fortunate in that it is made up of a wide range of different courses, offering both a solid scientific foundation and an important background for continuing on to a Master's degree, in research or as a professional. What's more, the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc benefits from numerous agreements with foreign universities, giving the opportunity for international mobility. In fact, I myself spent an ERASMUS year at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík.