Welcome to Solar Academy Graduate School
The University Savoie Mont Blanc provides a new international integrated Master/PhD program called Solar Academy.
The Solar Academy combines practice and theory in the areas of solar and building physics, scientific computing, material science, business, law, sociology architecture and urban planning. The outstanding students in this graduate school will acquire a solid background in various topics in solar energy, ranging from fundamental to applied sciences, allowing them to build a successful career in R&D sectors.
The mission of the Solar Academy is to become a national and international leader in scientific research, engineering, business, economy and law for a model of low-carbon distributed generation and consumption. Central to its organization is a multidisciplinary approach to enable the large-scale utilization of the solar energy resource.
Solar Academy Graduate School is situated on the INES campus in Savoy, France. Located in the heart of the Alps, and close to the Swiss and Italian borders, the campus offers an exceptional living environment (sports, mountains, lakes...).