The PITON curriculum
An original curriculum to meet the challenges of innovation and digital transformation:
Highly innovative projects proposed by companies
Mixed student-company and multidisciplinary teams
Collaborative work in startup mode for 20 weeks to produce proofs of concept.
Tailor-made support from innovation experts
Training in creativity, innovation and project management
A curriculum integrated into the diplomas prepared by the students, labelled by bpifrance
The PITON curriculum consists of highly innovative projects proposed by companies and led by multidisciplinary teams of students and employees.
Each team works for 20 weeks (from mid-February to early July) in startup mode, in dedicated co-working spaces at the university accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, and in companies.
During this period, the teams are accompanied by experts. Students and employees benefit from creativity sessions, training in innovation and project management, and specific workshops designed to provide the knowledge and skills deemed useful for the project.
Projects result in at least a proof of concept.
The students who participate in the PITON course are volunteers and selected by the companies, the teaching teams and the PITON team. They are enrolled in one of the USMB's training courses that are members of PITON (at least 25 for the 2018-2019 promotion). For the duration of the project, they are company trainees. The PITON course replaces the classic teaching activities of the last semester of the diploma. It is enhanced by the European credits (ECTS) required for the diploma.
More about PITON