Scholarship - Academic year 2024/2025

Solar Academy Excellence Scholarship 2024/2025 - Application from 15 May to 08 June 2024 dead line

The objective is to give the opportunity to young talented people to complete a Master Degree at Solar Academy before starting doctoral studies. Excellent grades and motivation for research are required.

Who can apply?

  • All students applying for Solar Energy Master, both curricula:
    • ESBC (Energy for Solar Buildings and Cities)
    • SoLEM (Solar energy, Law, Economics and Management)

How to apply?

  • All the necessary documents (Application form + required documents, pdf format, in English or French) can be downloaded from this website.

Conditions / Deadlines

  • Applications will be selected based on academic results, motivation and interest for research,
  • Awarded for one year,
  • Results of the application will be given at the end of June.

Scholarship Amount for the academic year 2024-2025

  • Master 1 - 2000€/Semester - 4000€/year (first payment in November 2024, second payment in March 2024).
  • Master 2 - 2000€ for Semester 9 (2000€/year, payment in November 2024). In Semester 10, the student must do a compulsory internship which gives rise to an internship gratification. An extension to Semester 10 is possible (+2000€) for research interns at Solar Academy laboratories.


If you are a new student at the start of the 2024/2025 academic year, or already a Master S3E student.

Candidature open from 15 May to 08 June 2024

Apply (on our web site in May/June 2024):

  • Fill in the online application form, click here
  • Send us the following documents (Please name the files with you NAME_Firstname_Graduation_Year - Files in PDF) at from 15 May to 08 June 2024:
    • Curriculum Vitae with detailed record of higher education, awards and distinctions,
    • Academic transcripts (from high school graduation to Bachelor's degree) grades and, if possible, rankings. Notrequired for students of M1 Solar Energy.
    • Personal statement, typically between 500 and 1000 words. Your personal statement should answer the question: "What is my interest for the research, specifically in the areas covered by the Solar Academy Graduate School?",
    • Two or three letters of recommendation from a professional or academic reference are required. Letters should assess your capacity for completing a graduate program. References from education or research related organizations and/or experience are highly recommended. Not required for students of M1 Solar Energy.