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Full professor, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Guillaume Ginolhac (S’98,M’01,SM’12) received the Master’s degree of Electrical Engineer, in 1997 and the Ph.D. degree of Signal Processing, in 2001 both from the Grenoble-INP university (France). From 2002 to 2012, he was an associate professor in SATIE Lab and University Paris Nanterre. In 2011, he obtained a Research Directorship Habilitation (HDR) thesis in Signal Processing from the ENS Cachan institute. From 2012, Guillaume Ginolhac is a full professor in LISTIC Lab at University Savoie Mont-Blanc. From July 2018, he is the co-head (with Nicolas Meger) of the « Apprentissage, Fusion et Télédétection » (Learning, Fusion and Remote Sensing) group of LISTIC. His research interests include estimation and detection theory for statistical signal processing and applications to machine learning and array processing.
- Following the great success of the Finnish-French Workshops in Helsinki 2018, Annecy 2019,Ruedesheim 2021, Cadaquès 2022, dedicated both to methodological aspects and applications challenges in statistical learning, the next one will be organized in France (Porquerolles) in 2023 by A. Ferrari, C. Richard, M. Muma, F. Pascal, E. Ollila and G. Ginolhac. More details in the website.
- Offering positions:
- Master Internships:
- Development of a SPD-autoencoder with time series analysis application for remote sensing data, see subject. Location : Annecy or Paris (CentraleSupelec).
- PhD (please contact me if you are interested):
- Robust and scalable interferometric phase linking for Earth deformation monitoring with SAR satellite image time-series. Collaboration with ONERA (Palaiseau) and CNAM (Paris). More informations by following this link.
- Statistical Learning for Change Detection and Identification in Time Series of Satellite Images. Collaboration with IMS (Univ. de Bordeaux)
- Master Internships:
- Mail : guillaume.ginolhac –@– univ-smb.fr
- Phone : +33(0) 4 50 09 65 83 – fax : +33(0) 4 50 09 65 59
- Office : A116
- Adress : LISTIC – Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, BP 80439, 74944 Annecy le Vieux Cedex, France
Keywords : Statistical learning, detection / estimation, covariance, maximum likelihood, subspace methods, multilinear algebra, theoretical performances, remote sensing, radar and sonar.
- 2011 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from ENS CACHAN, in Signal and Image Processing. Lab : SATIE
- 2001 Doctor of Grenoble-INP University, in Signal and Image Processing under the supervision of Geneviève Jourdain. Lab : Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux (LIS, now gipsa-lab)
- 1997 Master degree of Electrical Engineering School of Grenoble (Grenoble-INP University). Speciality: Signal and Image Processing.
Past Professional Experience
- 2002-2012 Associate Professor at Laboratoire Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l’Information et de l’Energie (SATIE – UMR 8029) of ENS Cachan
- 2001-2002 Post doctoral position in Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux (LIS), Grenoble.
Subject : False alarm rate reduction for the detection of underwater buried mines.
Collaborations : laboratoire Groupe d’Etudes Sous-Marines de l’Atlantique (GESMA) in Brest (A. Hetet) and Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Rhode Island, USA (I.P. Kirsteins).
- 1998-2001 PhD in LIS.
Subject : Reverberation model to improve underwater acoustic detection.
Collaborations: DGA (P. Grignan), University of Rhode Island (I.P. Kirsteins), USA.