Interactive online practical work on mechanical material characterization tests

Period, duration

may and june 2023

Profile required

IUT or multimedia computer engineering school student


Pending agreement and depending on candidate


Annecy-le-vieux ; Maison de la mécatronique ; Symme laboratory & Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar (Senegal)


The aim of this internship is to make "experimental machines or devices" accessible to Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering students via online Practical Work as if they were there, using interactive videos, validation MCQs and summary sheets.
This system will be deployed in France and Senegal on the Moodle platform, either as a complement to existing Practical Work, for validation before a session or for free access.
The first month of the internship will be spent on the Annecy campus, recording the videos that will be used to support the online practical work, and working with the project team to set up the scenario for the online practical work in the spirit of a game in which you are the hero, with minimum life points required to progress to the next level. The two characterization tests selected are the tensile test and the 3-point bending test.

A 4-week period of mobility at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar can be planned at the end of the internship, with the possibility of applying for a regional grant to set up the interactive scenario in Moodle under the supervision of the local IT team.
See the USMB website for information and application procedures.

Skills :
- multimedia: video + 3D design
- H5P: to make interactive videos

Candidates should be interested in discovering the world of research, be curious, be able to make proposals, and be attracted by the pedagogical aspect that will be developed with the development of remote manipulations.



Project team

Pascale Balland, teacher-researcher IUT-A / SYMME
Awa Séné, teacher-researcher Université Cheikh Anta Diop - Dakar/ SYMME