Control of a filament winding bench for composite parts

Period, duration

May-July 2022, 2 months

Profile required

student of IUT or engineering school in Mechanics


3.90/h (standard)


Le Bourget du Lac; Polytech building; Symme laboratory


Context and environment

The SYMME laboratory has a 4-axis winding bench (filament winding process) driven by numerical controls programmed in G-Code. Such a bench can be used to produce hollow-revolution composite parts by depositing a resin-impregnated fiber, as illustrated in the following video:

Missions :

The aim of this internship is to learn how to use the manufacturer's software to program winding sequences, and to modify the generated command file to produce desired sequences not initially planned by the software. Several winding sequences will then be tested on different shapes of closed composite parts.

The tasks envisaged for this internship are :

  • Getting to grips with ;
  • Editing G-code files ;
  • Design of winding mandrels on Solidworks ;
  • 3D-printed mandrels;
  • Manufacture of wound bodies on a 4-axis filament winding bench.



Project team

Philippe Saffré, teacher-researcher Polytech A.C. / SYMME