An enthusiastic first class!
In December 2016, CNFEDS, Centre national de academics des enseignants intervenant auprès des jeunes déficients sensoriels, organized its first official graduation ceremony for the Master MEEF PIF parcours Enseignement et surdité. This diploma having been accredited for the start of the 2014-2015 academic year, the first graduates passed their exams in June 2016.
Around 50 people gathered around the 11 graduates (out of a total of 18) who have now become teachers of young hearing-impaired children.
For this first graduation ceremony, the CNFEDS had organized a ceremony full of sharing and quality presentations. Philippe Galez, Vice President of academics and University Life atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc congratulated the graduating class and emphasized the importance of this diploma, which has become a prerequisite for the CAPEJS certification awarded by the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Jean Burgos, founder of the CNFEDS and former president of the Université de Savoie (from 1989 to 1994), honored the event with his presence. He recalled, with emotion, the particular history of the creation of this center, and encouraged the new graduates never to rest on their laurels.
Antoine Tarabbo, a teacher at CNFEDS, then congratulated the graduating class and encouraged them to continue investing in their structure and within the center.
To follow, Marianne Kurz, a teacher at the INJS in Chambéry, shared her personal and professional experience, emphasizing the difficult task that now falls to young teachers, in particular the great concentration required when one is deaf. An essential parameter to be taken into consideration when teaching young deaf people.
Last but not least, Jean-René Dijoux, winner of the Master MEEF Teaching and Deafness program, talked about the process he went through to write his Master's thesis.
A beautiful sequence of testimonials, observations and advice made this first ceremony a rich, high-quality event.
Jean Burgos and Philippe Galez presented the winners with their precious diplomas.
Our warmest congratulations!