academics DV



This three-year diploma, defined by the modified decree of December 15, 1976, is designed to train future specialist teachers to work with young blind and visually impaired people in establishments or services for the blind and visually impaired, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights. They will be able to work either in the elementary cycle, or in the first cycle of secondary education.


Theoretical training at academics takes place mainly in Paris, with occasional visits to Chambéry. It takes place over 3 years, divided into two parts.

Part 1:

  • 8 weeks of academics theory: approximately one week of academics per month
  • 500 hours of work experience during this period at academics in one or more approved establishments or services for the blind and visually impaired.
  • 1 week's internship in a mainstream workplace

Part two:

  • 8 weeks of academics theory: approximately one week of academics per month
  • 500 hours of work experience during this period at academics in one or more approved establishments or services for the blind and visually impaired.
  • 1 week internship in a specialized environment

No candidate may take the second part of the exam unless he or she has successfully completed the first part. The 2nd part of this exam is separated from the 1st by at least one year's preparation.

CNFEDS will not accept CAEGADV registrations at the start of the 2022 academic year

For further information, please contact us:




This three-year diploma, defined by the modified decree of December 15, 1976, is designed to train future specialized teachers who will teach solfeggio, harmony, music history and instrumental practice to young blind and visually impaired people in establishments or services under the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights.


The theoretical academics is mainly based in Paris, with occasional visits to Chambéry. It takes place over 3 years in 2 parts: First part :

8 weeks of theoretical academics , approximately one week per month

300 hours of work experience during this period at academics in one or more approved establishments or services.

1 week's internship in an ordinary environment Part Two :

8 weeks of theoretical academics , approximately one week per month

1 week internship in a specialized environment

CNFEDS will not accept CAEMADV registrations at the start of the 2022 academic year

For further information, please contact us:




This three-year diploma, defined by the modified decree of December 15, 1976, is designed to train people to ensure the academics, adaptation and professional, theoretical and practical readaptation of young blind and visually impaired people in establishments or services for the blind and visually impaired under the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights.


Theoretical training at academics takes place mainly in Paris, with occasional visits to Chambéry. It takes place over 3 years in two parts:

  • 16 weeks of theoretical academics , approximately one week per month
  • a 2-year work placement in one or more approved establishments or services for the blind and visually impaired, involving at least 700 hours of classroom or workshop work with pupils

CNFEDS will not accept CAFPETADV registrations at the start of the 2022 academic year

For further information, please contact us: