academics continues

The syllabus of training courses offered as part of academics , approved by the CNFEDS pedagogical council, takes into account specific training requests from establishments and services. These are linked to changes in the populations being cared for (in particular, an increase in associated disabilities), to changes in the teaching profession (schooling in specialized establishments and participation in school integration (or inclusion) initiatives), and to the multiplication of pedagogical and psycho-pedagogical care methods.

These continuing education courses are open to all professionals in the sensory impairment sector, depending on the availability of training courses and seminars.

Find out about all academics courses in the hearing impairment sector.

Find out more about all academics courses in the visual impairment sector.


Think about in-house courses!

CNFEDS organizes courses tailored to your needs. Don't hesitate to contact us.

For further information on these courses, please contact us.