All CNFEDS training courses are accessible via the VES or VAPP route.
Theoretical training courses are given at the CNFEDS premises in Chambéry, for the Master's degree in Sciences du langage Enseignement et surdité, and in Paris (+ one week in Chambéry) or in various premises made available by establishments for the CAEGADV, CAEMADV and CAFPETADV courses.
The practical part of academics is carried out in the establishments and departments where the student teachers work, which then become the training sites; it is governed by an agreement between the University, the establishment and the student teacher.
If you have any questions about exams outside the Master's programme :
Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé, Ministère délégué chargé des personnes handicapées,
Bureau de l'insertion et de la citoyenneté (SD3b) 14 avenue Duquesne, Site Montparnasse Nord-Pont 75350 PARIS 07 SP