Doctoral student, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry.


E-mail: abdelaziz.ouazzani-chahidi@univ-smb.fr


Mobile :

Office: A114

Address: LISTIC, 5 chemin de bellevue, CS80439, 74 944 Annecy Cedex, France

Cotutelle thesis

  •  Industrial Technologies and Services Laboratory - USMBA Fez Morocco
  • Laboratory for Computer Science, Systems, Information and Knowledge Processing (LISTIC) - USMB Annecy France

Topic: Industrial performance management in cyber-physical production systems


A cyber-physical production system (CPPS) is an interconnection between a cyber system and a (physical) production system. In addition, this interconnection ensures real-time monitoring of production execution, for intelligent decision-making, thus improving industrial performance. In conventional production systems, performance is managed by indicator systems, run by coordinators. In fact, the use of these indicator systems in a CPPS is limited for several reasons: firstly, the unsuitable periodicity of indicator calculation with the imposed notion of real-time, secondly, the limits of human capacity for real-time decision-making in the face of massive and inconsistent data, and thirdly, the need for rapid analysis and decision-making in malfunction situations. Particularly in semi-automated CPPS, where human intervention is necessary, the phenomenon of coordinator myopia is widespread. Indeed, human decision-making is not synchronized with the execution of the production system, which can generate delays or decisions that are not consistent with the achievement of objectives. Our aim is to propose a mechanism based on the principle of performance indicator systems to help reduce coordinator myopia in the piloting of semi-automated cyber-physical production systems, in order to improve their industrial performance.


MYOPIA-Behavior AND Decision-making AND (CPS OR Cyber-physical-system OR Cyber-physical-production-system OR CPPS) AND (Inudstrial Performance, Performance Management System OR PMS) AND (Industry-4.0 OR I4.0) AND (SMART- Factory)

Publications :


A Maturity Model For Assessing Industrial Performance Management. Case Study: a Painting Industry


Thesis supervisors: Mme. Berrah Lamia and Pr. Loukili Abdellatif

Co-supervisor: Mr. Jose-Fernando Jimenez

Start of thesis: 2018

Doctoral school: Sciences, Engineering, Environment (SIE) - USMB and Sciences de l'ingénieur, Technologies et Culture Industrielle (SITCI) - USMBA