Data representation, management and processing for humans (ReGaRD)

Animators :

Eric Benoit / Lamia Berrah

A ReGaRD for the future on data and people.

The emergence of digital technology has made official a fact that is now trivial: computer systems, humans and society interact. More and more computer systems are designed to adapt to human behavior and meet human expectations. These systems measure, analyze and model the behavior of their targets, in order to detect typical situations or contexts, enabling humans to control the observed physical system with which the computer device is associated.

In this context, the ReGaRD research theme focuses on human data, from modeling to processing and management. The key point of this theme is to take the human element into account in its research.

Keywords: representation, management, human data processing, graph, modeling, network, distributed system, decision support...

Issues and challenges

Data is ubiquitous, whether it's information, knowledge or data from sensors, social networks or the economic world, it plays a vital role in our societies, driving them forward. The emergence of digital technology has made official a fact that is now trivial: computer systems, humans and society interact.

The ReGaRD research theme focuses on this general issue: data, people and their interactions. The problems linked to this context are manifold, raising questions about the representation of this particular data for digital processing, its localization - often stored and accessed in a distributed manner - and its processing and representation for decision support.

Scientific objectives

In terms of our scientific objectives, we are focusing in particular on the problems of representing this human-integrated data, making it accessible and processing it for human assistance.

The problem of human data representation raises the question of how to model human knowledge and behavior, as well as the environment and context in which humans evolve.
Using tools such as graphs and ontologies, our work aims to model knowledge through terminologies, and to model human behavior in different environments such as housing, education or business.

Access to data, information and knowledge is at the heart of our digital societies. Managing the latter is therefore a key issue.
In this context, we are interested in adaptive distributed processing, secure access and consistency. We are also working on the problem of mapping cyberspace in collaboration with the French Institute of Geopolitics, one of our aims being to analyze the strategy of states in cyberspace.

Data is the basis for decisions, and in this context, our work focuses on data processing and analysis with a view to a decision ordecision support process. Using regression, fusion and statistical techniques, we will study man/machine and machine/human interactions. The fields of application range from business for industrial performance, to the web for propaganda detection and analysis of strategies for propagating false information, to education for monitoring learners and training courses.

Latest publications

Projects in progress

  • EraDA (2023-2024): "Spatial extrapolation of snow test results for avalanche hazard forecasting" (LISTIC / Fondation USMB)
  • AI4DHN (2024-2027): "Étude comparative de l'apport de l'AI pour le pilotage des réseaux de chaleur" (LOCIE-USMB, LISTIC / ANR, SHINE project)
  • UNITA: Universitas Montium
  • NCU2 @SPIRE: "Accompagnement, Spécialisation Progressive et Individualisation pour la Réussite de tous les Étudiants" in collaboration with Imperial College London
  • Music, disability and IoT (2018-2024): "Automatic measurement of sensory disorders linked to autism using IoT" (LISTIC, LPNC / Fondation USMB, Doctoral School SIE)
  • GEODE: accredited in November 2018 as a center of excellence in defense strategy research by MINARM with the Center for Internet and Human Right (CIHR) in Berlin.
  • DATASPHERE: INRIA project in collaboration with Institut des Hautes Études en Défense Nationale (IHEDN)
  • Condillac: international research group whose interests concern Terminology and Ontology
  • ANR PARFAIT (2022-2025): Planning and Learning for AI-Edge Computing (CEDRIC, LISTIC, LIA, Inria)
  • Lab Human Capital - Trajectoires professionnelles et academics (Pole emploi, PrismoCERAG)
  • MariCybERA - Maritime cybersecurity
  • Ambient intelligence: "Measuring human activity in the home" (LISTIC)


I. Alloui (McF)

K. Arfaoui (McF)

E. Benoit (McF)

L. Berrah (Prof)

Mr. Bettinelli (McF)

J. Boissière (McF)

J. Bou-Slihim (ATER)

K. Boutalbi (Doc)

F. Bronzino (Partner)

S. Cimpan (McF)

V. Couturier (McF)

A. Dahhani (Doc)

L. Damas (McF)

R. El-Hadri (Doc)

R. Ferrer (Doc)

L. Foulloy (Prof. Emeritus)

F. Loukil (McF)

A. Mary Huet de Barochez (Doc)

P. Mathieu (Doc)

Y. Mhiri (McF)

S. Monnet (Prof)

S. Naama (Doc)


S. Perrin (McF)

B. Pichon (Doc)

S. Plassart (McF)

F. Pourraz (McF)

C. Roche (Prof. Emeritus)

K. Salamatian (Prof)

D. Telisson (McF)

L.Valet (McF)

H. Verjus (McF)

F. Vernier (McF-HDR)

X. Zhang (Doc)


Completed projects

  • RestAdom (2021-2023): "Detecting the causes of elderly people being removed from their homes" (LISTIC, SYMME / SOMFY, CSMB)
  • HyPE13 (2020-2022): "HYbrider et Partager les Enseignements" (HYbridizing and sharing lessons)
  • CIME (2018-2022): "Outils d'aide à la décision pour le mode de vigilance à adopter en milieux de montagne présentant des risques" with partners HES-SO Valais, HEIG-VD, the company Aléa, and the Swiss mountain guides' union.
  • ANR RainbowFS, in collaboration with LIP6 (UPMC), Scality, LIG (CNRS) and Télécom SudParis.
  • UPPA-USMB Transfrontour: "Recommendation methods for collaborative tourism itineraries" with LIUPPA, HES-SO Valais and the "Montagne Inventive" tourism cluster.
  • FP7 GAINS: "Geopolitically Aware INternet Security" with Berlin's Center for Internet and Human Right (CIHR)