The laboratory is involved in national research initiatives, via working groups and projects.
LISTIC members participate in national working groups such as those of the ISIS (image analysis and processing systems, change detection in satellite imagery, etc.) and MACS (STP cluster) research groups, or those of other institutions (EEA club, Société Française de Terminologie).
Regular collaborations take place with institutes such asIRIT, CEMAGREF - now INRAE - (Casyope project).
The laboratory was responsible for a PNTS/INSU project in partnership with LTCI/Télécom ParisTech and theInstitut Francilien des sciences appliquées de Marne la Vallée.
From 2004 to 2007, LISTIC coordinated the MEGATOR project, funded under theACI Masse de Données program, and since 2008, the EFIDIR project.
The laboratory's contribution to these projects is essentially focused on the information fusion approach.