
BUILDING Information Processing and Analysis Library
DFTS-P2miner Extraction of the most reliable grouped frequent sequential patterns (GFS-patterns) from displacement field time series (DFTS) and their confidence measure
CISP Selection of complementary and informative sequence patterns from partial unimodal probabilistic sequence databases.
EFIDIR-tools API developed during the ANR EFIDIR project, which provides numerous functions for manipulating radar images and calculating displacement fields. This API offers developers a common development standard to ensure the compatibility and consistency of the software developed, and to facilitate the construction of processing chains and their distributed execution on computing grids.
FLOULIB MATLAB library implementing fuzzy logic

Decidable models for ontology specification

  • Decidable model of Méréologie
  • Decidable model of general topology
SITS-P2miner Extraction of the most reliable GFS-patterns from satellite image time series (SITS)
TEDI ontoterminology editor