
LabOratoire proCédés energIe bâtimEnt - LOCIE

UMR 5271, USMB -CNRS, Polytech Annecy Chambéry,

Helios building

60 rue du lac Léman

Savoie Technolac

73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac

Director Christophe MENEZO + 33 (0)4 79 75 86 21 direction.locie[at]
Deputy Director, Financial Optimization
Evelyne GONZE direction.locie[at]
Deputy Director, Scientific Activities Nolwenn LE PIERRES direction.locie[at]
Manager Emmanuelle ROSAZ + 33 (0)4 79 75 94 71 gestionnaire.Locie[at]
Secretariat Laurence MOR + 33 (0)4 79 75 88 21 secretariat.locie[at]
Technical department David CLOET + 33 (0)4 79 75 86 65 david.cloet[at]

Access - Bourget-du-Lac campus

As part of the Université Savoie Mont Blanc travel plan, we invite you to use an environmentally-friendly mode of transport: walking, cycling, bus or train. If you have to come by car, consider carpooling.

By bike

From the center or station of Chambéry, take Avenue Verte Nord.

Parking available under the gallery leading to the library.

Bike hire available at the Vélostation.

By bus

From Chambéry town center or train station, Réseau Synchro

From Aix-les-Bains center or train station, Réseau Ondea

By train

Chambéry train station. Direct trains from Paris , Lyon , Grenoble , Annecy , Valence and Geneva. Then bus or bike.

By car

From Chambéry, take the VRU to Le Bourget-du-Lac. Follow Technolac.

From Aix-les-Bains, take the D1201 towards Chambéry, then Le Bourget-du-Lac, and follow Technolac.

Parking on site. Think about carpooling.

How to find us