News archive

December 11, 2019: Alexandre Benoit's HDR defense

"Automatic image analysis, from expert to apprentice" By Alexandre BENOIT Associate Professor Image&video processing, visual scene analysis&recognition LISTIC Lab / IUT Annecy, FRANCE Date: December 11, 2019, 1:30pm Location: POLYTECH [...]

December 18, 2019: Matthias Jauvin's thesis defense

"Mesure des déformations de surface par interférométrie radar satellitaire : Application à la surveillance des territoires de montagne et de l'impact de grands chantiers " Date: December 18th at 10am Place: IAE, Amphi 108

October 11, 2019: conference on the recent evolution of glaciers

Recent glacier evolution: a cross-view of glaciology and satellite imagery Conference for the general public Friday October 11 at 6:30pm, amphi B014, école POLYTECH Speakers: Sylvain Coutterand, Geomorphologist, associate researcher at the EDYTEM laboratory [...]