Flavien Vernier: Research


Flavien Vernier Home page

Sage object

The concept of Wise Object (WO) is one that we've posited. It defines objects in the computer sense - instances of classes - capable of learning about themselves (competence, behavior, use) on their own.

Such objects can be created using the WOF framework, which we have implemented in Java. In particular, it enables wise objects to be instantiated and interconnected via a communication bus.

The problems associated with this field are of various kinds. Firstly, from a software engineering point of view, there are questions of conceptual modeling of these objects and the systems they comprise. In the context of the object paradigm in which we find ourselves, the composition, inheritance or other association mechanism of these objects is a problem in its own right, particularly as regards the exchange and aggregation of their knowledge.

This opens up a second point of view with regard to research issues in this field. How can we model, use and merge the knowledge of such objects?

EFIDIR & photogrammetry

Official website: www.efidir.fr

Information Extraction and Fusion for Displacement Measurement using Radar Imagery

My work in the EFIDIR project focuses on integrating different distribution techniques as seamlessly as possible (parameter sweeping, use of multi-core architectures, multi-site distribution, etc.). The aim is to optimize the processing time of applications created by project members. As these applications are naturally greedy in terms of execution resources (processing times frequently of the order of an hour, or even several days or weeks) and storage space (data can easily exceed several GB), they naturally lend themselves to distribution.

Flavien Vernier Home page

Sage object

The concept of Wise Object (WO) is one that we've posited. It defines objects in the computer sense - instances of classes - capable of learning about themselves (competence, behavior, use) on their own.

Such objects can be created using the WOF framework, which we have implemented in Java. In particular, it enables wise objects to be instantiated and interconnected via a communication bus.

The problems associated with this field are of various kinds. Firstly, from a software engineering point of view, there are questions of conceptual modeling of these objects and the systems they comprise. In the context of the object paradigm in which we find ourselves, the composition, inheritance or other association mechanism of these objects is a problem in its own right, particularly as regards the exchange and aggregation of their knowledge.

This opens up a second point of view with regard to research issues in this field. How can we model, use and merge the knowledge of such objects?

EFIDIR & photogrammetry

Official website: www.efidir.fr

Information Extraction and Fusion for Displacement Measurement using Radar Imagery

My work in the EFIDIR project focuses on integrating different distribution techniques as seamlessly as possible (parameter sweeping, use of multi-core architectures, multi-site distribution, etc.). The aim is to optimize the processing time of applications created by project members. As these applications are naturally greedy in terms of execution resources (processing times frequently of the order of an hour, or even several days or weeks) and storage space (data can easily exceed several GB), they naturally lend themselves to distribution.