Abdelhafid DAHHANI

Doctoral student, POLYTECH Annecy-Chambéry


  • Adum page: Abdelafid-ADUM
  • E-mail: abdelhafid.dahhani -@- univ-smb.fr | abdelhafid.dahhani@gmail.com
  • Telephone: +33 (0)7 55 92 78 37
  • Office: A103
  • Group : ReGaRD
  • Address: LISTIC - Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, BP 80439 - Annecy le Vieux, 74944 ANNECY Cedex, France

Abdelhafid DAHHANI has always been passionate about scientific research in computer science, linked to intelligent systems and smart robots that react according to the environment, creating an intelligent complex system, in particular, artificial intelligence linked to IoT / IoV. Adding solid skills to those acquired throughout his university career, he chose to do a PhD in this field to better understand the link between reality and technology, studying the behavior of wise objects in a connected environment to create new algorithms and answer scientific challenges.

His dreams since senior year were to become a top scientist in the computer field and work with one of the prestigious companies.


  • Group: ReGaRD
  • Topic: Design and implementation of a Wise Object (WO) knowledge representation and manipulation system.
  • Supervisor: Sébastien MONNET
  • Co-supervisors: Ilham ALOUI, Flavien VERNIER
  • Start of thesis: October 2020
  • Keywords: Intelligence, Analysis, Wisdom, Asynchronous system, Learning, Architecture
  • Doctoral school: SISEO "Sciences et Ingénierie des Systèmes, de l'Environnement et des Organisations" (Science and Engineering of Systems, the Environment and Organizations)
  • Summary :
    • New technologies such as communicating objects and the Internet of Things (IoT) have led to increasingly sophisticated systems. Intended to render services according to the context in which they are located, and consequently to adapt their use of resources, these systems require increasing knowledge on the part of their users in order to configure and use them, even though they should not monopolize users' full attention. They need to be as "unobtrusive" as possible, providing information or service only when needed.
    • These systems, known as "Calm technologies", place humans in the role of end-users rather than technological experts. Various approaches are used to build such systems. These include multi-agent systems, adaptable systems and "self-X" systems, all of which share fundamental characteristics such as autonomy, intelligence and adaptation to their environmental context.
      The approach we propose to meet these needs is based on the concept of the Wise Object (WO). A wise object is endowed with the ability to learn about itself and its environment. This thesis focuses on the design of such systems, and in particular on the representation and manipulation of the knowledge they encompass. We also aim to apply wise objects to the IoT and the smart home.
    • We have already designed and implemented an object-oriented middleware (framework) (implemented in Java), called WOF (WO Framework), enabling the construction of wise systems, composed of WOs. A WO is capable of autonomously constructing knowledge about the services (its skills) it needs to provide, and knowledge about how these services are used. In the current version of WOF, this knowledge is represented by state-transition graphs and statistical Markov graphs respectively. We have also studied several application scenarios in the context of the smart home and home care for the elderly.
  • Publications :

    • Conference - 2022: The Sixteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
      • Title: Towards a Semantic Model for Wise Systems: A Graph Matching Algorithm(Link)
    • Conference - 2023: To come...

Technical skills

    Python3.7, PHP5/7, SQL.
    Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction.
    SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Injection).
    Singleton Pattern, Prototype Pattern, Dependency Injection.
    Clean Code, Clean Architecture, SCRUM (Product Backlog, Sprint Planning/Meeting, Daily stand-up Meeting, Sprint review, Sprint retrospective), Kanban(just-in-time).
    Unittest for Python, PHPUnit for PHP | Test-Driven Development, Integration test, Non-regression test.
    Flask, Django, Symfony.
    LAMPP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP/Python).
    Jenkins, Hook pre-commit.
    JIRA, Umbrello-UML-Modeler.
    Git(GitHub, GitLab).
  • ORM
    Flask-Python/SQLAlchemy, Symfony-PHP/Doctrine.