Ranya El hadri

Doctoral student, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry.



E-mail: ranya.el-hadri@univ-smb.fr

Office: A221

Address: LISTIC - Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, BP 80439 - Annecy le Vieux, 74944 ANNECY Cedex, France

LinkedIn : El hadri Ranya

ResearchGate : El hadri Ranya



Group : LISTIC

Theme: ReGaRD

Subject: Methodology and tools for the reconstitution of skills ontologies and their exploitation in the context of the accompaniment of an individual towards employment.


The main objective of this thesis is to propose a tool-based methodology for reconstituting ontologies and exploiting them in the context of supporting an individual towards employment.
There are several secondary objectives, including the proposal of :
- A metamodel of skills, personalities and motivation,
- Mechanisms for reconstituting ontologies on skills, personality and motivation repositories,
- Mechanisms for continuous ontology enrichment based on data analysis (existing profiles, existing repositories, etc.),
- A metamodel for describing individual profiles in line with previous results,
- Mechanisms for assessing the match and calculating the distance between profiles and positions.
The work revolves around ontology modeling, tree models, distance calculations and path construction. Modeling, search and evaluation solutions will be proposed. These regular deliverables will be the subject of experimentation cycles in real-life conditions, and will thus be evaluated and improved.
The thesis work is being carried out in close collaboration with a thesis in human sciences being carried out at the CERAG laboratory (Grenoble), and the PRISMO company (technicians-developers). This collaboration will be particularly strong on the "repository modeling" and
and experimentation cycles.

Keywords: Ontologies, Methodology, Modeling, Skills, Personalities, Motivation

Supervisors: Kave Salamatian, Julien Boissiere, Sorana Cimpan, Luc Damas

Start of thesis: 01/11/2021

Doctoral school: Environmental Engineering Sciences

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