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- Since 2019, co-animator of groupe with Nicolas Méger, "Learning, Fusion and Remote Sensing" (Apprentissage, Fusion & Télédétection in French) of the LISTIC (16 full and associate professors).
- Since 2017vice-president of comitee 61 (signal processing) of University Savoie Mont-Blanc.
- 2017-2019 Animator of groupe " CIT : Knowledge, Images and Remote Sensing " of the LISTIC (11 full and associate professors)
- 2013-17 Human Resources Mission at LISTIC and member of the executive office of the LISTIC
- Best student paper award at EUSIPCO 2022 (Belgrade, Serbia) for my Phd student Antoine Collas
- Paper [CI-50] from PhD student Ammar Mian in IGARSS 2019 has been selected for the final contest of best student paper (10 over 350).
- Best thesis 2019 of Doctoral School STIC (Univ. Paris Saclay) for my student Ammar Mian.
Editorial Activities
- 2021-23, associate editor Digital Signal Processing
- Since 2021, associate editor EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
- Organization of session specials :
- EUSIPCO 2020, Amsterdam, co-organization with A. Breloy (Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense) and N. Le Bihan (Univ. Grenoble Alpes) of a special session, entitled "Recent Advances in Differential Geometry for Signal and Image Processing". The program is here.
- EUSIPCO 2016Budapest, Hungary. Co-organisator with N. El Korso (Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense) and A. Zoubir (Darmstadt University of Technology) of " Trends in robust statistics : Theory and applications in signal and image processing ". Speakers : Esa Ollila (Aalto University), Stefano Fortunati (Univ. of Pisa), Arnaud Breloy et Daniel Palomar (HKUST), Loic Denis (Univ. de Saint Etienne), Lionel Bombrun (IMS Bordeaux) et Dominik Reinhard (Darmstadt University of Technology)
- Chairman :
- GretsiJuan Les Pins, September 2017. Session "Estimation and detection".
- Workshop SONDRALacanau, May 2016. Co-chairman with C. Y. Chong (DSO, Singapore) of the session "Signal Processing I".
- Technical committee program :
- GRETSI 2022, 2023
- IEEE RadarConf 2020, Florence, Italy
- IPAS 2020, Genova, Italy
- EUSIPCO 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020
- CFPT 2018, 2019 (French Conference on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
- IEEE IPAS 2018
- Workshop CoSeRa (International Workshop on Compressed Sensing Theory and its Applications to Radar, Sonar and Remote Sensing) 2015 and 2016
- SONDRA Workshop 2013, 2016 and 2020
Organization conferences and study days:
- Thematical days
- 2020 December 8th, co-organization with R. Couillet (Univ. of Grenoble) of GdR ISIS day. Title: "Covariance matrix advances for machine learning" and the program is available here.
- December 1, 2015 co-organization with Alexandre Renaux (LSS) and Nabil El Korso (Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense) of a GdR ISIS day. Title: Robustness and large-scale antenna processing
Main speakers: Frédéric Pascal (CentraleSupelec), Walid Hachem (Telecom Paris Tech), Pierre Comon (Gipsa-lab), Pascal Vallet (IMS) and Rémy Boyer (LSS) - November 6, 2014 SIERRA
Title: Recent advances in multivariate image analysis
Speakers: Jocelyn Chanussot (Gipsa-Lab), Jean Marie Nicolas (Telecom Paris Tech), Jean Philippe Ovarlez (ONERA / SONDRA) and Abdou Atto (LISTIC)
- Organization Comitee:
- Organizing Comittee of EUSIPCO 2024 (Lyon, France). Tutorial Co-Chairs with Jordi Vila-Valls (ISAE-Supaero).
- Organization with (A. Ferrari, M. Muma, E. Ollila and F. Pascal) in France (Porquerolles) in 2023 the 5th Statistical learning for Signal and Image Processing Workshop. More details in the website.
- Organizing Comittee of GRETSI 2023 (local chair) in Grenoble, France.
- Organizing Comittee of EUSIPCO 2023 (Helsinki, Finland). Social Media and Web Co-Chairs
- Organization (with J. Vilà-Valls, M. Muma, F. Pascal and E. Ollila) the fourth Statistical learning for Signal and Image Processing Workshop in Cadaquès October 10th-14th.
- Director of the comittee of organization : " Prix de Thèse Signal Image Vision 2022 ", GdR ISIS, GRETSI and Club EEA.
- Organization (with M. Muma, F. Pascal and E. Ollila) the third Statistical learning for Signal and Image Processing Workshop in Rudesheim October 6th-8th.
- Since 2020 director of Ecole d’Eté du Gretsi with André Ferrari (Univ. of Nice)
- Co-local chair with Cédric Richard of IEEE CAMSAP 2019.
- Scientific co-director with Nicolas Le Bihan of the Ecole d'Eté du Gretsi Peyresq 2019. The Title is "Information geometry for signal and image processing".
- Organization (with F. Pascal and E. Ollila) of 2nd the Statistical learning for Signal and Image Processing Workshop in Annecy July 15th-16th.
- February 2017 local comitee of LVA-ICA, Grenoble, FRANCE.
- July 2015 local comitee of international workshop Multitemp 2015
Internationals Collaborations:
- 2022-23: Aalto University. Subject : Robust Inversion Algorithm for GPR data. Partner : Esa Ollila. Publication : [IJ-37]
- 2020 : Xidian University. Subject: STAP-MIMO Radar. Partner : Yongchan Gao. Publication : [IJ-30]
- June-July 2015 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: HKUSTChina. Subject : Estimation of clutter subspace by block MM. Partners: D. Palomar, Y. Sun and P. Babu. Publications: [IJ-18], [CI-38], [CI-40]
- April 2014 National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore. Subject : Estimation of clutter subspace and tensorial algorithms for STAP-MIMO. Partners : F. Pascal (invited professor at NUS) in NUS and F. Brigui (PostDoc) and H.B. Sun in NTU. Publications: [IJ-23], [CI-31]
- May-August 2002 University of Rhode IslandUSA. Subject : Low Rank methods for SAS. Partners : University of Rhode Island (R.J. Vaccaro) and NUWC (I.P. Kirsteins)
- October 1999 University of Rhode IslandUSA. Subject : Low Rank methods for underwater signal processing. Partners : University of Rhode Island (D.W. Tufts) and NUWC (I.P. Kirsteins)
Funding :
- 2023-24 WP co-supervisor (with Ammar Mian) of a university grant (20k€). "Frugal Federated Learning: algorithms and systems".
- 2023-24 co-PI (with Esa Ollila, Univ. of Aalto) of a Maupertuis grant (6k€) for the organisation of the 5th SLISP Workshop in Porquerolles island (France).
- 2022-25 Supervision of a contract with the society Geolithe (21k€) Machine Learning for Data Processing of an airborne geologic RADAR
- 2022-25 Supervision of a contract with the SONDRA Lab (24k€) Robust Algorithms for Radar Through The Wall
- 2022-25 WP manager of JCJC ANR Project REPED-SARIX (120k€), "Recursive Estimation and Prediction of Earth Deformation from SAR Image Time Series".
- Supervision of a PhD student
- Collaborations: Yajing Yan (LISTIC), Nabil El Korso (L2S, CentraleSupelec, Univ. Paris Saclay)
- 2021-24 Supervision of a contract with the society iXBlue (30k€), "Robust Statistics for Underwater SONAR".
- 2020-21 Supervision of a contract with the society Geolithe (12k€) "Machine Learning for Data Processing of an airborne geologic RADAR".
- 2020-21 Supervision of a contract with the society iXBlue (6k€) "Study on detection theory in non standard conditions for SONAR".
- 2019-22 Supervision of a contract with the SONDRA Lab (24k€) Machine Learning and Riemaniann Geometry
- 2019-2020 Participation in a PNTS project (15k€) on missing data for remote sensing. Supervision of the last year of a PhD student, Alexandre Hippert-Ferrer.
- 2017-2021 Principal investigator of ANR ASTRID MARGARITA (300 keuros)
- Subject: Modern Adaptive Radar: Great Advances in Robust and Inference Techniques and Application.
- Partners: LEME - Univ. Paris Nanterre (A. Breloy and N. El Korso), LSS and SONDRA - CentraleSupelec (F. Pascal, A. Renaux and S. Marcos) and IMS - Univ. de Bordeaux (P. Vallet, S. Said and Y. Berthoumieu)
- 2016-19 Supervision of a contract with the SONDRA Lab (24k€) Robust Change Detection
- 2016-2019 Participation at ANR Young Researcher PHOENIX obtained by A. Atto. Responsible of a WP (50 keuros) on robust statistics for Time Series Analysis
- Subject: Temporal Series
- Supervision of a post doctoral student: Florent Bouchard (December 2018 - December 2019)
- Partners: Télécom ParisTech (F. Tupin), IMS (Y. Berthomieu and S. Said), SONDRA (J.P. Ovarlez).
- 2014-17 Responsible on WP of FUI G4M - 110 keuros
- Topic: Detection of buried pipes using GPR radar.
- Director of the thesis of Quentin Hoarau (2014-??)
- Partners: Télécom ParisTech (J. M. Nicolas) and ENGIE.
- 2012-15 Supervision of a contract with the SONDRA Lab (24k€) Robust STAP Processing
- 2010-2013 Principal Investigator of a DIGITEO funding of 116 keuros
- Subject: Multilinear Algebra for RADAR.
- Director of the thesis of Maxime Boizard (2010-2013)
- Partner: SONDRA.
- 2008 Responsabile of WP on a PEA ONERA DTC/TRAGEDY of 100 keuros.
- Subject: SAR algorithms based on oppurtinities transmitters in Mono and Multi Configurations.
- Supervision of a post doctorant: Frédéric Maussang (2008 - 2009)
- Partners: ONERA (P. Fargette), ENST Bretagne (R. Garello and F. Maussang) and small companies.
Elections at committees
- Since 2022 member of the HdR comittee of the University Savoie Mont-Blanc
- 2021 comitee member of " prix de thèse Signal, Image, Vision 2021 ".
- Since 2018 elected member of the CA GRETSI
- Since 2015 elected member of section CNU 61
- December 7, 2018, "Intrinsic Cramer Rao Bound for Scatter and Shape Matrices in CES distributions". Finnish-French Statistical Learning for Signal Processing Mini-workshop
- May 17, 2016"Robust Adaptive Detection of buried pipes by GPR". Journée thématique SATIE-ENS Cachan, Ultra Broadband.
- November 28, 2013, "Robust Subspace Estimation for Heterogenous Data. Application to Polarimetric SAR FOPEN". Scientific day of Gipsa-lab, Multivariate analysis of radar images.
- Tutorial done with Arnaud Breloy at IEEE RadarConf 2020: "Robust statistical framework for radar change detection applications" and available here (part I) and here (part II).
- Tutorial done with Frédéric Pascal and Arnaud Breloy at EUSIPCO 2018: "Robust Covariance and Subspace Learning: Dealing with Small Sample Support" and available here