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Riemannian Geometry for Robust Estimation and Machine Learning
In this topic, the aim is to use the tools of Riemannian geometry to tackle estimation problems with constraints like subspace, structured covariance matrices, ... From these geometries we are able to develop new estimation algorithms as well as new forms of center of classes (useful in machine learning). Moreover, this theory allows to obtain intrinsic Cramer Rao Bound useful to choose a correct metric and distance.
The main papers of this work are:
- [IJ-39] A. Collas, A. Breloy, C. Ren, G. Ginolhac and J. -P. Ovarlez, " Riemannian Optimization for Non-Centered Mixture of Scaled Gaussian Distributions," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 71, pp. 2475-2490, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TSP.2023.3290354.
- [IJ-35] A. Collas, F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, C. Ren. Probabilistic PCA From Heteroscedastic Signals: Geometric Framework and Application to Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp.6546-6560, 2021. pdf.
- [IJ-32] F. Bouchard, A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, A. Renaux and F. Pascal, "A Riemannian Framework for Low-Rank Structured Elliptical Models," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 69, pp. 1185-1199, 2021. https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.01141.
- [IJ-30] F. Bouchard, A. Mian, J. Zhou, S. Said, G. Ginolhac, Y. Berthoumieu , "Riemannian geometry for Compound Gaussian distributions: application to recursive change detection", Elsevier Signal Processing, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.10087.
- [IJ-25] A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, A. Renaux, F. Bouchard, "Intrinsic Cramer-Rao Bounds for Scatter and Shape Matrices Estimation in CES Distributions", IEEE Sig. Proc. Lettersvol. 26(2), pp 262-266, 2019. pdf project
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Florent Bouchard (CNRS Researcher at LSS)
- Arnaud Breloy (Associate Professor at LEME - Univ. Paris Nanterre)
- Alexandre Renaux (Associate Professor at LSS - Univ. Paris Sud)
- Antoine Collas (Current PhD student - SONDRA)
See also the presentation done for Finnish-French Statistical Learning for Signal Processing Mini-workshop Link on Intrinsic Bound of Scatter and Shape Matrices.
Robust Covariance and subspace Estimation
In this topic, the aim is to provide a robust estimate of the covariance. The multivariate data follows a CES distributions and we consider different a priori on the structure of the covariance matrix.
The main papers of this work are:
- [IJ-33] A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, Y. Gao, F. Pascal, "MIMO filters based on robust rank-constrained Kronecker covariance matrix estimation", Elsevier Signal Processing, Vol. 187, October, 2021. pdf.
- [IJ-21] A. Breloy, G. GinolhacF. Pascal and P. Forster, "Robust Covariance Matrix estimation in heterogeneous Low Rank context", IEEE Transactions on Sig. Proc.64 (22), pp. 5794-5806. 2016. pdf
- [IJ-18] Y. Sun, A. Breloy, B. Prabhu, D. Palomar, F. Pascal and G. GinolhacLow-Complexity Algorithms for Low Rank Clutter Parameters Estimation in Radar Systems", IEEE Transactions on Sig. Proc.64 (8), 2016. pdf
- [IJ-17] A. Breloy, G. GinolhacF. Pascal and P. Forster, "Clutter Subspace Estimation in Low Rank Heterogeneous Noise Context", IEEE Transactions on Sig. Proc., 63 (9), pp.2173-2182, 2015. pdf
- [IJ-13] G. GinolhacP. Forster, F. Pascal and J.-P. Ovarlez, "Exploiting Persymmetry For Low-Rank Space Time Adaptive Processing", Elsevier Sig. Proc.vol. 97, no.o4, pp 242 - 251, April 2014. pdf
- [IJ-12] G. GinolhacP. Forster, F. Pascal and J.-P.Ovarlez, "Performances and Robustness of a Robust Low-Rank STAP Filter", IEEE Transactions on Sig. Proc.Vol. 61, no.o1, pp 57 - 61, January 2013. pdf
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Frédéric Pascal (Full professor at LSS - CentraleSupelec)
- Arnaud Breloy (Professor at CEDRIC, CNAM)
- Philippe Forster (Full professor at SATIE - ENS Cachan)
- Jean Philippe Ovarlez (Researcher at ONERA & SONDRA)
For more details, see the tutorial of EUSIPCO 2018 done by Frédéric Pascal, Arnaud Breloy and Guillaume Ginolhac. Link
Robust Change Detection and InSAR
In a Satellite Image Time Series, we have developed different robust detectors based on the derivation of the GLRT. The data are assumed to follow a CES distribution and the hypothesis test is built with the scatter matrices, and/or the textures. This work is partially funded by the ANR PHOENIX. We will also be interested in developing robust methods for Interferometry SAR which is actually a covariance problem estimation with a specific structure. This work is funded by ONERA and ANR REPED-SARIX.
See the main papers:
- [IJ-38] P. V. H. Vu, A. Breloy, F. Brigui, Y. Yan and G. Ginolhac, " Robust Phase Linking in InSAR," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 61, pp. 1-11, 2023, Art no. 5211111, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3289338.
- [IJ-29] A. Mian, A. Collas, A. Breloy, G. Ginolhac, Jean-Philippe Ovarlez, "Robust low-rank change detection for SAR Image Time Series", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE, 2020, 13, pp.3545-3556. pdf.
- [IJ-27] A. Mian, J.P. Ovarlez, A. Atto, G. Ginolhac, "Design of New Wavelet Packets Adapted to High-Resolution SAR Images with an Application to Target Detection", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing2019. pdf dataset code project
- [IJ-26] A. Mian, G. Ginolhac, J.P. Ovarlez, A. Atto, "New Robust Statistics for Change Detection in Time Series of Multivariate SAR Images", IEEE Transactions on Sig. Proc.vol. 67(2), pp 520-534, 2019. pdf project
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Ammar Mian (Past Phd Student at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec and Associate professor at LISTIC)
- Arnaud Breloy (Professor at CEDRIC, CNAM)
- Jean Philippe Ovarlez (Researcher at ONERA & SONDRA)
- Abdourrahmane Atto (Professor at LISTIC - Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)
- Yajing Yan (Associate Professor at LISTIC - Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)
- Frédéric Brigui (ONERA)
See also the tutorial done with Arnaud Breloy at IEEE RadarConf 2020 and available here (part I) and here (part II).
Robust Buried Pipe Detection by GPR and person detection in RADAR Through the Wall
In this project, we have to detect buried pipes by a Ground Penetrating Radar. The detectors are derived from the GLRT. The data size is very large and some strategies for the covariance estimation have been proposed. This work has been funded by the FUI g4M.
A new project through an internship and a CIFRE has been begun with the company geolithe. A new robust inversion algorithm has been developed and published in IEEE TGRS. More recently, we adapt deep networks by adding 2nd order statistics which better describe the answers of the scatterers localized into the ground.
We have developed similar works for RADAR Throught the Wall since the data and the problems are very close between these two applications. This work is done by Hugo Brehier (Phd at SONDRA) and co-supervised with Arnaud Breloy (CNAM) and Chengfang Ren (SONDRA)
See papers:
- [IJ-40] Hugo Brehier, Arnaud Breloy, Chengfang Ren, Guillaume Ginolhac, " Through the Wall Radar Imaging via Kronecker-structured Huber-type RPCA" Signal Processing, Volume 214, 2024, 109228, ISSN 0165-1684, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2023.109228.
- [IJ-37] M. Gallet, A. Mian, G. Ginolhac, E. Ollila and N. Stelzenmuller, " New Robust Sparse Convolutional Coding Inversion Algorithm for Ground Penetrating Radar Images," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 61, pp. 1-14, 2023, Art no. 5103814, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3268477.
- [IJ-22] Q. Hoarau, G. GinolhacA. Atto, and J.-M. Nicolas, "Robust Adaptive Detection of Buried Pipes using GPR", Elsevier Sig. Proc.vol. 132, pp 293-305, 2017. pdf project
- [CI-41] Q. Hoarau, A. Breloy, G. GinolhacA. Atto, J.-M. Nicolas and J.-P. Ovarlez, "A subspace approach for shrinkage parameter selection in undersampled configuration for Regularised Tyler Estimators", Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)2017 IEEE International Conference on. New Orleans, United States, pp.3291 - 3295, April 2017. pdf project
See presentation on this topic: link
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Nickolas Stelzenmuller (Engineer at Geolithe)
- Quentin Hoarau (Past Phd Student at LISTIC - Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)
- Ammar Mian (Past Phd Student at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec and Associate professor at LISTIC)
- Abdourrahmane Atto (Associate professor at LISTIC - Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc)
- Jean Marie Nicolas (Full Professor at Telecom ParisTech)
- Arnaud Breloy (Professor at CEDRIC, CNAM)
- Chengfang Ren (Associate Professor at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec)
Multilinear Algebra for RADAR Systems
In this work, we have developed a special multilinear extension of the SVD adapted to STAP and MIMO-STAP configurations. Moreover, we have derived theoretical performances of Tensorial MUSIC to show the interest of the multilinear algebra in some configuration. This work has been funded by Digiteo.
See papers:
- [IJ-23] F. Brigui, M. Boizard, G. Ginolhac and F. Pascal, "New Low-Rank Filters for MIMO-STAP based on an Orthogonal Tensorial Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systemvol. 54(3), pp 1208-1220, 2018. pdf
- [IJ-20] P. Forster, G. GinolhacM. Boizard, "Derivation of the theoretical performance of a Tensor MUSIC Algorithm", Elsevier Sig. Proc.vol. 129, no12, pp 97-105, december 2016. pdf
- [IJ-16] M. Boizard, G. GinolhacF. Pascal and P. Forster, "Low-Rank Filter and Detector for Multidimensional Data Based on an Alternative Unfolding HOSVD, Application to Polarimetric STAP", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal ProcessingSpringerOpen, pp.119-130, 2014. pdf
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Frédéric Pascal (Full professor at LSS - CentraleSupelec)
- Frédéric Brigui (Researcher at ONERA)
- Philippe Forster (Full professor at SATIE - ENS Cachan)
- Maxime Boizard (Past PhD student at SATIE - ENS Cachan)
Random Matrix Theory Tools for RADAR algorithms
In this topic, we have used the Random Matrix Theory tools to derive theoretical approximations of performance of filters and detectors when the disturbance is composed of strong low-rank contribution. Next, we want to propose new low-rank detectors which keep good asymptotic properties in a large dimension regime.
In the same vein, we have developed new low rank change detectors consistent in a high dimensional regime. This is the work of Rémi Beisson with a collaboration with IMS-Univ. de Bordeaux.
See papers:
- [CI-47] P. Vallet, G. Ginolhac, F. Pascal, P. Forster, "An Improved Low Rank Detector in the High Dimensional Regime", ICASSP 2019, Brighton, England. pdf project
- [IJ-28] [IJ-28] A. Combernoux, F. Pascal, G. Ginolhac, M. Lesturgie "Theoretical Performance of Low Rank Adaptive Filters in the Large Dimensional Regime", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 55(6), pp. 1557-9603, December 2019. pdf
- [IJ-24] A. Combernoux, F. Pascal, G. Ginolhac, "Performance of the Low-Rank Adaptive Normalized Matched Filter Test Under a Large Dimension Regime", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systemsvol. 55(1), pp, 459-468, 2019. pdf
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Frédéric Pascal (Full professor at LSS - CentraleSupelec)
- Pascal Vallet (Associate professor at IMS - Univ. de Bordeaux)
- Audrey Giremus (Professor at IMS - Univ. de Bordeaux)
- Alice Combernoux (Past PhD student at ONERA)
- Rémi Beisson (Current PhD student at Univ. of Bordeaux)
SAR processors based on Matched Subspace Detectors
In this work, we have developed new SAR detectors based on Matched Subspace Detectors. In particular Man Made Targets (MMT) are assumed to lie in a low rank susbpace as well as the interference (forest).
See papers:
- [IJ-15] F. Brigui, G. GinolhacL. Thiron-Lefèvre and P. Forster, "New SAR Algorithm based on Signal and Orthogonal Interference Subspace Models", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote SensingVol. 52, no7, pp 3800 - 3811, July 2014. pdf
- [IJ-14] F. Brigui, G. GinolhacL. Thiron-Lefevre and P. Forster, "New SAR Algorithm based on Oblique Projection for Interference Reduction", IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic SystemVol. 50, no2, pp.1118 - 1137, April 2014. pdf
- [IJ-9] R. Durand, G. GinolhacL. Thirion-Lefèvre and P. Forster, "Back Projection Version of Subspace Detector SAR Processors", IEEE Trans. on Aero. Space and Elec. Syst.vol. 47, no2, April 2011. pdf
- [IJ-8] G. GinolhacL. Thirion-Lefèvre, R. Durand and P. Forster, "SAR Processors Based on Signal or Interference Subspace Detector", IEEE Trans. on Aero. Space and Elec. Syst.vol. 46, no3, pp 1006-1020, July 2010. pdf
- [IJ-4] R. Durand, G. GinolhacL. Thirion and P. Forster, "New SAR Processor Based on Matched Subspace Detectors", IEEE Trans. on Aero. Space and Elec. Syst.vol. 45, no1, pp 221-236, January 2009. pdf
My main collaborations in this topic are:
- Laetitia Thirion Lefevre (Full professor at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec)
- Frédéric Brigui (Past PhD student at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec)
- Philippe Forster (Full professor at SATIE - ENS Cachan)
- Rémi Durand (Past PhD student at SONDRA - CentraleSupelec)
Current PhD students :
Dana El Hajjar, Recursive Implementation for Robust InSAR(ANR REPED-SARIX)
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale SIE from University Savoie Mont-Blanc, started in 2022 December 1st
- Other supervisors: Yajing Yan (Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) and Nabil El Korso (L2S, Univ. Paris Saclay)
Douba Jafuno, Machine Learning for GPR Data (CIFRE with Géolithe)
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale SIE from University Savoie Mont-Blanc, started in 2022 June 1st
- Other supervisors: Ammar Mian (Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) and Nick STELZENMULLER (Géolithe)
Hugo Brehier, Robust Radar Processing for Radar Through The Wall
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale STIC from University Paris-Saclay, started in 2021 October 1st
- Other supervisors: Chengfang Ren and I. Hinostroza from SONDRA and Arnaud Breloy from CNAM
- Publications : [IJ-40], [CN-23], [CI-63]
Olivier Lerda, Robust Statistics for Underwater SONAR (with iXBlue company)
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale SIE from University Savoie Mont-Blanc, started in 2021 March 1st
- Other supervisor : Ammar Mian (Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) and Jean Philippe Ovarlez (ONERA)
Rémi Beisson, Change detectionand classification in high dimensional multivariate image times series
- Doctor from University of Bordeaux, started in 2020 October 1st
- Other supervisors: Pascal Vallet and Audrey Giremus from IMS (University of Bordeaux)
- Publications : [CI-57], [CN-26]
Past PhD students :
Hoa VU PHAN VIET (funding ONERA), New phase estimation algorithms for Multitemporal SAR Interferometry.
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale SIE from University Savoie Mont-Blanc, started in 2020 October 1st and defended in 2023 december 14th
- Other supervisors: Yajing Yan from LISTIC, Arnaud Breloy from LEME and Frédéric Brigui from ONERA
- Composition of Jury :
- Philippe Forster, Professor, Université Paris Nanterre, (Chairman, section 61)
- Antoine Roueff, Professor, University of Toulon, (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Loic Denis, Professor, University of Saint Etienne (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Béatrice PINEL-PUYSSEGUR, CEA Researcher, Bruyères le Châtel, (Examiner)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Thesis supervisor, section 61)
- Arnaud Breloy, MCF University of Paris Nanterre, (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Frédéric Brigui, ONERA researcher, (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Yajing Yan, MCF, Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc, (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Publications: [RI-38], [CI-61], [CI-64] and [CN-25].
- Situation in 2024: looking for work.
Antoine Collas, Clustering from SAR time series images
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale STIC from University Paris-Saclay, started in 2019 October 1st
- Other supervisors: Jean-Philippe Ovarlez and Chengfang Ren from SONDRA and Arnaud Breloy from LEME
- Composition of the Jury :
- Audrey Giremus, Professor at Univ. de Bordeaux, France (Chairman, section 61)
- Nicolas Le Bihan, DR CNRS, Univ. de Grenoble Alpes (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Cédric Richard, Professeur Univ. de Nice (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Nicolas Boumal, Associate Professor, EPFL, Switzerland, (Examiner, section 26)
- Alexandre Gramfort, DR INRIA, Paris (Examiner, section 27)
- Jean Philippe Ovarlez, Senior Researcher ONERA / SONDRA (Thesis supervisor, section 61)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Co-director, section 61)
- Arnaud Breloy, MCF Univ. Paris Nanterre (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Chengfang Ren, EC CentraleSupelec (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Florent Bouchard, CR CNRS, L2S, (invited, section 61)
- Audrey Giremus, Professor at Univ. de Bordeaux, France (Chairman, section 61)
- Publications: [IJ-35], [IJ-29], [CI-62], [CI-55], [CI-59], [CN-18], [CN-24]
- Situation in 2023: Post Doctoral Position at INRIA
Ammar Mian, (SONDRA funding), "Contributions to SAR Image Time Series Analysis".
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale STIC from University Paris-Saclay, defended september 26th 2019 (started in 2016 October 1st)
- Other supervisors: Jean-Philippe Ovarlez from SONDRA and Abdou Atto from LISTIC
- Composition of the Jury :
- Frédéric Pascal, Professor at CentraleSupelec, France (Chairman, section 61)
- Jean Yves Tourneret, Professeur Univ. de Toulouse (Rapporteur, section 61)
- André Ferrari, Professeur Univ. de Nice (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Maria S. Greco, Professor, Univ. de Pisa, Italy, (Examiner, section 61)
- Jean Philippe Ovarlez, Senior Researcher ONERA / SONDRA (Thesis supervisor, section 61)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Co-director, section 61)
- Abdourahmane Atto (co-supervisor, section 61)
- Frédéric Pascal, Professor at CentraleSupelec, France (Chairman, section 61)
- Publications: [IJ-26], [IJ-27], [IJ-29], [CI-50], [CI-48], [CI-45], [CI-44], [CI-43], [CN-18], [CN-20]
- Situation in 2021: Associate Professor at University Savoie Mont-Blanc.
Quentin Hoarau, (FUI funding), " Robust adaptive Detection of buried pipes by means of a GPR radar".
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale SISEO from University Savoie Mont-Blanc, started in 2014 November 1st
- Other supervisors: Abdou Atto from LISTIC and Jean-Marie Nicolas from Télécom ParisTech
- Publications : [IJ-22], [CI-41], [CI-39], [CN-17]
- Q. Hoarau gave up his PhD during his 5th year.
Alice Combernoux (SONDRA funding), "Low Rank filtering and detection using random matrix theory tools."
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale STITS from University Paris XI, defended january 29th 2016 (started october 1st 2012)
- Composition of the Jury :
- Sylvie Marcos, DR CNRS LSS, CentraleSupelec, (President, section 61)
- Walid Hachem, DR CNR LTCI, TelecomsParisTech (Rapporteur, section 61)
- François Vincent, Professor at ISAE, Toulouse (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Chong Chin Yuan, Researcher, DSO, Singapore, (Examiner, section 61)
- Romain Couillet, associate professor, CentraleSupelec, (Examiner, section 61)
- François Le Chevalier, Professor at Delft University, Netherlands, (Examiner, section 61)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Frederic Pascal, Professor at CentraleSupelec, France (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Marc Lesturgie, SONDRA Researcher, CentraleSupelec (Supervisor, section 61)
- Publications: [IJ-24], [IJ-28], [CI-36], [CI-34], [CI-30], [CN-14], [S-12]
- Situation in 2016: Engineer at Thales Underwater Systems, Brest, FRANCE.
Arnaud Breloy (DGA funding), " Algorithms of estimation and detection in a Low Rank heterogenous context."
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale Sciences Pratiques (EDSP) of ENS Cachan, defended november 23th 2015 (started october 1st 2012)
- Composition of the Jury :
- Pierre Comon, DR CNRS at Gipsa Lab, Grenoble (President, section 61)
- Olivier Besson, Professor at ISAE, Toulouse (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Pascal Chevalier, Professor at CNAM and researcher at THALES (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Chong Chin Yuan, Researcher, DSO, Singapore, (Examiner, section 61)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Supervisor, section 61)
- Frederic Pascal, Professor at CentraleSupelec, France (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Philippe Forster, PR, Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, Ville d'Avray (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Publications with the doctoral student: [IJ-21], [IJ-18], [IJ-17], [CI-38], [CI-35], [CI-33], [CI-32], [CI-29],
- Situation in 2016: Associate professor at University Paris Ouest La Défense, FRANCE.
Maxime Boizard (digiteo funding), " Development and performance studies of detectors in multidimensional RADAR configurations".
- Doctorant Ecole Doctorale Sciences Pratiques (EDSP) de l'ENS Cachan, defended december 13th 2015 (started october 1st 2010)
- Composition of the Jury :
- David Brie, PR University of Lorraine, Nancy (President, section 61)
- Pierre Comon, DR CNRS, Gipsa Lab, Grenoble (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Sylvie Marcos, DR CNRS at LSS, Palaiseau (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Pascal Chevalier, Professor at CNAM and researcher at THALES (Examiner, section 61)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, PR University Savoie Mont-Blanc, Annecy (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Frederic Pascal, Professor at CentraleSupelec, France (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Philippe Forster, PR of Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, Ville d'Avray (Supervisor, section 61)
- Publications with PhD student: [RI-23], [RI-20], [RI-16], [CI-31], [CI-28], [CI-27], [CI-25], [CN-11],[CN-12]
- Situation in 2016 : Engineer at Akka, Toulouse, FRANCE.
Frédéric Brigui (DGA funding), " Algorithmes of Polarimetric SAR Imagery based on subspace models: Application to FOPEN detection".
- PhD student in "Knowledge, language, modeling" at Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, defended december 3rd 2010 (started october 1st 2007)
- Composition of the Jury :
- Jocelyn Chanussot, PU at GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble (President, section 61)
- François Vincent, Research Professor at ISAE, Toulouse (Rapporteur, section 61)
- Ridha Touzi, Researcher, Teledection Research Centre, Canada (Rapporteur, section 63)
- Marc Lesturgie, Director of SONDRA, SUPELEC, France (Examiner, section 63)
- Carole Nahum, Engineer DGA (Examiner)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, MCF IUT Ville d'Avray, Ville d'Avray (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Laetitia Thiron-Lefèvre, Researcher at SONDRA, SUPELEC, France (Co-supervisor, section 63)
- Philippe Forster, PU, Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, Ville d'Avray (Supervisor, section 61)
- Publications : [RI-15], [RI-14], [RI-7], [RN-2], [CI-23], [CI-22], [CI-21], [CI-20], [CI-18], [CI-17], [CN10], [CN-9], [CN-8], [W-1]
- Situation in 2016 : Researcher at ONERA, Palaiseau.
Rémi Durand (SONDRA funding), SAR processors based on subspace detectors
- Doctorant " Connaissance, langage, modélisation " de l'Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, defended november 30th 2007 (started october 1st 2004) obtenaid with the felicitations of the jury
- Composition of the Jury :
- Olivier Besson, Researcher at ISAE, Toulouse (President and Rapporteur, section 61)
- Florence Tupin, Lecturer at ENST Paris (Rapporteur, section 63)
- François Le Chevalier, Engineer at THALES (Examiner, section 61)
- Marc Lesturgie, Director of SONDRA, SUPELEC, France (Examiner, section 63)
- Guillaume Ginolhac, MCF IUT Ville d'Avray, Ville d'Avray (Co-supervisor, section 61)
- Laetitia Thiron-Lefèvre, Researcher at SONDRA, SUPELEC, France (Co-supervisor, section 63)
- Philippe Forster, PU, Univ. Paris Ouest La Défense, Ville d'Avray (Supervisor, section 61)
- Publications: [RI-9], [RI-8], [RI-4], [RN-2], [CI-13], [CI-12], [CI-11], [CI-10], [CI-9] and [CN-4].
- Situation in 2012 : Engineer at THALES Underwater Systems, Nice, France.