HDR Diploma

The highest university qualification, the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), is a national higher education diploma - defined by the decree of November 23, 1988 - that can be obtained after a doctorate. 

This diploma enables you to:
  • Becoming thesis director (without HDR commission approval)
  • Apply for a position as University Professor
  • Reporter for HDR juries
  • Become an HDR jury member

The HDR title is also important for applying for research director positions (CNRS, INRIA, etc.).

Applications for the habilitation to direct research (HDR) atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc are open to all candidates holding a doctorate, both internal and external touniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.


Application procedure

The Doctoral School Cultures, Sociétés, Territoires (Doctoral School CST) has set up an HDR application procedure to check the prerequisites for obtaining the degree.

The evaluation of the candidate's application is collegial and submitted to the HDR Commission, which meets 3 times a year.


(Année Universitaire 2024-2025)

La commission HDR est sollicitée pour :
1. L’autorisation d’inscription à l’HDR
2. L’obtention d’un agrément pour diriger une thèse sans être HDR, ou pour diriger une thèse dans le cadre de l’ED CST sans être membre permanent de l’USMB

17 octobre
Date limite envoi des dossiers de demande d’inscription à l’HDR
et des dossiers de demande d’agrément = 19 septembre
30 janvier
Date limite envoi des dossiers de demande d’inscription à l’HDR
et des dossiers de demande d’agrément = 9 janvier
26 juin
Date limite envoi des dossiers de demande d’inscription à l’HDR
et des dossiers de demande d’agrément = 5 juin

Prerequisites for the HDR diploma

Hold a doctorate degree


Hold a doctor's degree entitling them to practice medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine, and a post-graduate diploma (DEA) or research master's degree.


Have a degree or experience equivalent to a doctorate.


Application form

The application file includes :


  • Completed form "Demande d'autorisation d'inscription à l'HDR" (form downloadable from this page, see "Useful documents")
  • Candidate's curriculum vitae
  • A one-page summary of his career
  • A summary of teaching, research and administrative responsibilities

This file, of no more than twenty pages, is sent toDoctoral School CST in the form of a single pdf file. 


Application assessment criteria

As the HDR is the diploma required to apply for the position of University Professor, the evaluation criteria used are adjusted according to the practices specific to each discipline. 

The application file should emphasize the quality of the candidate's research and his or her involvement in supervising theses.


High scientific level (quality of research)

Original approach in a scientific field (scientific maturity)

Mastery of an autonomous scientific research strategy (researcher autonomy)

Capacity to lead young researchers (supervising a thesis)

* Extracts from circular n° 89-004 of 5-01-1989 concerning the application of the decree of 23-11-1988 relating to the HDR.

After approval by the HDR Commission of theDoctoral SchoolHDR Commission, a favorable opinion fromDoctoral School and authorization from the President of the USMB via the Doctoral College Management, you will be able to register and organize your defense. This registration allows you to defend your thesis during the current academic year.


Planning the stages of your presentation

The timetable below summarizes the various stages to be respected for your presentation. It is essential to anticipate these stages in order to be able to respect this timetable.

  • Registration subject to approval by the HDR Commission of the CST Doctoral School and validation by the Doctoral College.
  • Preparing the application file.
  • Withdrawal of the "proposal for rapporteurs" and "proposal for jury" forms, as well as the "summary of work" form.

Submission to the Doctoral College (DDRV) to the rapporteurs.

Submission of a jury proposal to the Doctoral College (DDRV).

The jury must reflect the complementary nature of the disciplines involved in the candidate's work. As far as possible, it includes:
- the rapporteurs,
- one or two members of the Doctoral College authorized to direct research,
- one or more French or foreign personalities chosen for their scientific competence.
The candidate sends a copy of his/her application file to each member of the jury.
The Doctoral College sends a copy of the reports drawn up on the work to each member of the jury and to the candidate.

Applications sent to each member of the jury.

Send an abstract in French and English to the Collège Doctoral (DDRV) electronically gestionnaire-codusmb.ddrv@univ-smb.fr.

This information is distributed by the Collège Doctoral before the oral presentation.

  • The minutes of the defense and the defense report are sent to the Doctoral College (DDRV).
  • Submit a final copy of the application to the Doctoral College (DDRV) for transmission to the university libraries atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc.
  • The Collège Doctoral sends the student a certificate of successful completion, together with a copy of the examination report and the examination report.

HDR Commission

Below is the list of members of the CST Doctoral School's HDR commission.

The Chairman of the HDR Commission is Professor David Bailleul.

First name


Dominique Lagorgette (full member) 


Stéphanie Béligon (alternate member)


Matthieu Cabrol (full member)


Bérangère Legendre (alternate member)


David Bailleul (Chairman)

Antoine Favre Center

Hélène Claret (substitute member)

Antoine Favre Center

Lionel Laslaz (full member) 


Clémence Perrin Malterre (alternate member) 


First name

Stéphanie Béligon (full member) (full member)



First name

Dominique Lagorgette (alternate member)



First name

Matthieu Cabrol (full member)



First name

Bérangère Legendre (alternate member)



First name

David Bailleul (Chairman)



First name

Hélène Claret (substitute member)


Antoine Favre Center

First name

Lionel Laslaz (full member) 



First name

Clémence Perrin Malterre (alternate member) 
