supervising a thesis

Thesis directors play a vital role in the Doctoral School. Here you'll find all the information you need to know about thesis supervision. Whether you're looking for funding, want to submit a topic or take your HDR, this section is for you.



By law, the number of co-supervisors must not exceed two: either the thesis is supervised by a single director; or the thesis is supervised by two co-supervisors (co-supervision ratio: 50% / 50%).

There are two exceptions to this rule:

  • International co-supervision
  • The possibility of adding a third non-academic co-supervisor, who must be a doctor, when justified by the thesis subject.

The status of co-supervisor has no regulatory validity and is therefore not recognized byDoctoral School.

Interdisciplinarity can be taken into account with a thesis co-supervisor from each discipline. This will not be possible beyond two disciplines, as the doctoral student must be able to manage his or her disciplinary affiliation.

Thesis directors may decide to involve colleagues in monitoring the thesis project. These colleagues are involved in the doctoral student's academics , but have no administrative or pedagogical responsibilities (unlike the directors) in the academics doctoral program. Consequently, these colleagues are not included in the registration (or re-registration) documents, nor are they included in the thesis supervision rates. Nor will they be able to take part in the defense jury (their link with the doctoral student effectively excludes them from the jury, whose members must be independent of the candidate). Nonetheless, the commitment of these colleagues must be recognized (particularly in terms of valuing this experience in career development) by means of certificates from laboratory directors and/or thesis supervisors.


Looking for financing

The thesis director must participate in the search for funding for the doctoral student and be informed of the various funding possibilities.

There are many ways to finance a thesis. In addition to the doctoral grants offered each year byDoctoral School (CST), there are other avenues to explore, notably CIFRE contracts and project-based funding (ANR, etc.).

You'll find all the information and links you need on the Financing your thesis page.


Post a topic

Each year, the CST Doctoral School launches a new ADR campaign. Your laboratories are alerted by the Doctoral School of the opening date of the ADR competition.