Areas of expertise: economics - management - digital technology
Banking and Finance Teacher
Areas of expertise: Banking and Finance
Administrative responsibilities: M1&2 Banking Manager - Professional Customer Advisor
IAE courses: Corporate finance / Economics of financial intermediaries / Economic news / Financial analysis / Successful information systems
MCF in Management Science Corporate Strategy & Organization Theory
Areas of expertise: Corporate strategy & Organization theory
Administrative responsibilities: CITHEME department manager
IAE courses: Project management Organizational management
Main research topics: New organizational forms Management of societal challenges
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of English
Areas of expertise: Innovation management
IAE courses: Introduction to management, Innovation management, Introduction to research, Strategic diagnosis and foresight, Research methodology seminar, Organizational theory.
Main research topics:
Determinants of innovation and performance - Complementarities between types of innovation - CSR - Clusters
Areas of expertise: International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Tourism specialization
IAE courses:
Fundamental Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Sector Marketing, Experiential Marketing Consumer Behavior, Responsible Consumption
Market research; Business games, tutored projects
Main research topics:
Marketing Consumer behaviour Consumer experience and experiential marketing Thematization Sustainable hospitality Pro-environmental behaviour
Areas of expertise: Purchasing Management
Administrative responsibilities: Director of IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
IAE courses: Purchasing Management Industrial Management
Main research topics:
Innovation with suppliers / Management of external resources / Responsible purchasing
Areas of expertise: Environmental and energy economics
Administrative responsibilities:
Responsible for the 2-year Economics and Management degree and the SOLEM Master's degree.
IAE courses:
Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Statistics, Surveys and statistical methods. Main research topics: Environmental and energy economics / Energy-saving investments / Residential sector / Impact of environmental policies.
Areas of expertise: International management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Licence 3 Business and International Trade
IAE courses: Team Management Intercultural Management Project Management Leadership
Main research topics: Linguistic diversity
Areas of expertise: Consumption and markets
Administrative responsibilities: Head of L3 Tourism, Hospitality and Events.
Responsible for the Tourism unit of the L2 Economics and Management course
IAE courses: Experiential marketing / Heritage and interpretation in sustainable destination / International Tourism Management / Tourism sector issues and dynamics / Anthropocene and Society
Main research topics: Market dynamics / Alternative consumer cultures / Marketing and management of art, culture and tourism / Anthropocene and ecological bifurcation
Areas of expertise: Tourism (destination management)
Administrative responsibilities: Responsible for teaching the L3 "tourism, hotel business, leisure - international students" course, Alpes-Sichuan
IAE courses:
Management of tourist destinations, tourism marketing, professional methods and strategy
Areas of expertise: International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Administrative responsibilities: Co-responsible for the master's degree in Event Management and Engineering
Main research topics:
Event strategy and communication
Areas of expertise: Corporate finance, information efficiency, green investment
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Master 1 Administrative and Financial Department
Main research topics: Corporate finance / Information efficiency / Ecological investment
Areas of expertise: Mathematics, statistics, computer simulation
IAE courses:
Mathematics and statistics
Areas of expertise: Distribution network management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the Master in Management and Business Administration MAE (FC) / Co-Head of IREGE's Innovation and Organizational Development axis.
IAE courses: Research methodology Introduction to research Strategic management Strategy and organization Quantitative techniques Quantitative and qualitative methods
Main research topics: Franchising and distribution networks / Organizational innovations / Vertical coordination
Areas of expertise: International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Administrative responsibilities: Manager of the Master's degree in Sustainable Tourism Management
Main research topics:
Tourism in transition / Circular economy / Agri-food marketing / Wine tourism / Responsible consumption
Areas of expertise: International management / International entrepreneurship
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the Management specialization
International: Management of Export Zones
IAE courses: Strategy (international) Organization (international) Methodology Innovation / creativity
Main research topics: International entrepreneurship / Service innovation / International management / Growth strategy
Areas of expertise: Organizational behavior, leadership, organizational psycho-sociology
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the MAE Master's degree in Business Management and Administration (excluding CE)
Enseignements IAE: Leadership Organizational behavior Organizational behavior and leadership
Main research areas: Managerial performance / Leadership
Areas of expertise: International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Administrative responsibilities: Co-responsible for the MHRM Master's program.
IAE courses: Human resources management Research methodology Organizational theory Innovation strategy Strategic diagnosis
Main research topics:
Human Resources Management
Areas of expertise: marketing, consumer behavior, research methods
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Master 1 Marketing - International curriculum
IAE courses: consumer behavior; research methods
Main research areas: Consumer behavior
Areas of expertise: Innovation Management
Administrative responsibilities: Co-responsible for the Master's degree in Information Systems and Digital Innovation
IAE courses: e-Business Model, Information Systems Governance, Foresight and Technological Innovation, Innovative Digital Project, Prototyping and Agile Methods, Digital Information Management and Security, Digital Technologies, Networks and Skills, Strategic Diagnosis, Introduction to Information Systems.
Main research topics: Open innovation management / Resource dependency / Multi-sided business model
Administrative responsibilities: Head of M2 Digital Strategy Offer Marketing & Customer Experience
IAE courses: Labor economics & HRM; Team management & leadership; Change management; IHRM; HRM
Research topics: Organizational Change Management, International Human Resources Management, Human-Artificial Intelligence Interface, Management in Healthcare Institutions, Employee Loyalty, Career Management.
Administrative responsibilities :
Head of Licence 3 INGI
Head of AI and Pedagogical Innovation
Areas of expertise: Cyber Physical Systems, Distributed Production, Multi-Agent Systems, Operations Research
Areas of expertise: International Center for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Erasmus + academic exchanges (Spain) and Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, Brazil)
IAE courses:
Society and Culture. Applied Technical Language
Areas of expertise: Sales & International Management
Main research topics: Internationalization of SMEs and MNEs / Networks of influence / International entrepreneurship
Areas of expertise: Economics - Finance
Administrative responsibilities: Director of the IREGE laboratory
IAE courses:
Microeconomics, game theory, public economics, econometrics of qualitative variables
Main research topics:
Inequalities and precariousness, social inequalities in health, fuel poverty and mobility
Areas of expertise: economics - management - digital technology
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the IBTM Master's degree and the Master's degree in Tourism Management and Engineering ( academics ).
Areas of expertise: USMB-IAE Jacob Bellecombette lecturer - Spanish language
IAE courses: Spanish: Technical language applied to tourism Technical language applied to international business Beginners DELE certification preparation ERASMUS project substitution files
LABEL: Interculturality
Areas of expertise: Security, data protection and distributed systems
IAE courses: Information systems Databases Data processing with Python
Main research topics:
Preserving the privacy of sensitive data Ensuring traceability and transparency in business processes using blockchain technology
Areas of expertise: Hotel engineering, food trends
Administrative responsibilities: Pedagogical Manager of the Bachelor's degree in Hotel and Catering Management and Entrepreneurship, academics
IAE courses:
Hotel engineering, organization of service production, tutored project management, Sociology, food trends and developments
Methodology, Innovations/restaurant concepts
Areas of expertise: Sales & International Management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Licence 3 Marketing and Communication
IAE courses: Marketing
Main research areas: Consumer behavior / Value, experience, arts and culture marketing
Areas of expertise: Political Science and International and Strategic Relations
Administrative responsibilities: Co-responsible for the Economics, Management, Political Science and International Relations degree.
IAE courses: Introduction to political science, European institutions, specialized sociology, sociology of international relations.
Main research areas: Philosophy and sociology of international relations / Crisis theory and management
Areas of expertise: Sales & International Management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Master 2 Marketing - International curriculum
IAE Teaching: Customer Relationship Management Distribution and Merchandising Fundamental marketing New trends in e-commerce marketing Internship tutoring Dissertation supervision Project supervision e-marketing consultants Digital marketing Strategic and operational marketing Case study marketing
Main research topics: Consumer behavior / Customer Engagement Behavior / E-crm / Customer empowerment / Tourism
Areas of expertise: Sales & International Management
IAE courses: Strategy Economic intelligence and innovation Qualitative methods for management Green marketing and fair trade Introduction to research
Main research topics: Strategic management, inter-organizational relations, innovation management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the 2-year Economics and Management degree in Political Science and International Relations
Main research topics: Diversity (disability, intergenerational cooperation, religion, physical appearance, etc.), Inclusion, Non-discrimination, Social innovation, CSR, Equal treatment, Equal opportunities, Quality of life at work, Psychosocial risks.
Areas of expertise: Economy - Finance
IAE courses: Macroeconomics; Money; Financial markets; Economic policy; History of economic thought
Main research areas: Economics of China
Areas of expertise: energy optimization, distributed systems, machine learning, scheduling, real-time systems, network computing
Research topics :
IAE courses:
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Ethical and sustainable information systems
- Web design and programming
- Computer networks and the Internet
- Operating systems
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
Areas of expertise: Economy - Finance
Administrative responsibilities: Annecy Campus LV1 English coordinator
IAE courses: English
Areas of expertise: Sales & International Management
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the European Master in Business Studies and Co-Head of the Environment, Sustainable Consumption and Tourism division at IREGE.
Main research topics: Energy policy, environmental policy, irreversibility
Areas of expertise: HR Marketing; Research Methods
Administrative responsibilities: Head of Master 1 Digital Strategy - e-Business & Communication course
IAE courses: Quantitative methods; survey and panel data analysis; sustainable marketing
Main research topics: Employer branding; Organizational behavior; CSR; Workplace well-being; Job loyalty
Website: Page ResearchGate
Areas of expertise: (Economics, demography)
Administrative responsibilities: Vice-President of the USMB (interdisciplinarity and academics-research link) and Director of the Institut des Transitions. Co-responsible for the Economics-Management degree in Political Science and International Relations.
IAE courses: Demographic studies Business environment
Main research topics:
*Labor market and poverty in developing countries (Rural electrification and household time allocation in the labor market; Child labor, schooling and discrimination against women; Trade unionism and political economy in developing countries).
*Household energy consumption (Public policies and energy efficiency in buildings; Determinants of household energy consumption; Energy poverty, risk factors and impacts)
Areas of expertise: Macroeconomics, International Economics, Finance
IAE courses: Macroeconomics, Survey techniques, International economics, Business conditions, Innovations
Areas of expertise: Economy - Finance
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the Economics and Management specialization and Head of L1 / L2 Economics and Management
IAE courses:
History of economic and social facts (CM)
Introduction to economic analysis (CM)
International economics and markets (CM and TD)
Banking economics (CM)
Economics reinforcement (TD)
Macroeconomics (CM and TD)
Macroeconomics (TD)
Political economy (TD)
Business cycle analysis (TD)
Main research areas: Public Economics, International Finance, Financial Economics
Areas of expertise: Labor economics, health economics, applied econometrics
Administrative responsibilities: Head of the Economics-Finance department and head of the Licence 3 Forecasting, Economics and Finance program.
IAE courses: Forecasting techniques - Introduction to R, Labor economics, Scientific culture, Statistics on R, Financial forecasting, Panel data analysis, Impact analysis.
Main research areas: Labor economics, health economics, applied microeconometrics, gender inequalities in the labor market.
Areas of expertise: Distributed systems - Process and IS engineering
Administrative responsibilities: Co-responsible for M1&2 Information Systems and Digital Innovation
IAE courses:
- Information systems
- Business Process Management
- IS engineering
- IS and service-oriented architectures
- Algorithms and programming
- Software design and programming
- Agile methods
Main research topics:
- Process engineering and service orchestration
- Software-intensive distributed system architectures
- Design of information fusion and decision support software systems
Further information: