academics continues

Located in the heart of the Savoie region, IAE Savoie Mont Blanc offers lifelong learning courses from bachelor's to doctorate level in the fields of management, economics, finance, sales, marketing, purchasing, logistics, information systems, tourism, communications...

The aim: to train employees for and with companies throughout their careers.
With the support of its research laboratory, IREGE, and in partnership with companies in the region through the Club des Entreprises, IAE Savoie Mont Blanc helps professionals to develop their skills and manage their careers.

Some programs are developed on a timeshare basis specifically for adults who are employed or looking for work, and who wish to resume or continue their studies while working. The course schedule is organized in such a way as to enable students to reconcile their studies with their professional lives.

Degree courses

Some programs are specifically designed for people covered by academics (jobseekers, working people wishing to resume or continue their studies in parallel with their professional activity).

Savoie Mont-Blanc University courses

All other IAE Savoie Mont Blanc courses are available at academics , under the status of integrated adults (adults returning to school integrated into academics initial courses). For other courses, visit the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc catalog at academics .

Contact: academics Service Professionnelle Continue (SFC)
Institut Universitaire de academics Professionnelle (IUFP)


VAPP: Validation of Personal and Professional Experience

The Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP) is a system that enables students to resume their studies at academics without having the required diploma. VAPP requires eligible candidates to submit a dossier (with supporting documents) and then present it to a pedagogical commission. The main aim of the application is to compare the skills acquired with those required for the academics. The university's academics department provides support for candidates entering this process. AllUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc diplomas are accessible by VAPP.

Find out more about VAPP