Find all IAE-specific documents in this collaborative space:
Visit the Université Savoie Mont Blanc intranet, under My account.
Go to the Université Savoie Mont Blanc intranet. Click on "Messagerie des personnels" in the left-hand column "Accès direct".
Visit the Université Savoie Mont Blanc intranet, under My account.
Your access codes are the same as for your connection to the University Intranet.
This educational platform enables:
Teachers can restrict/protect access to certain courses/subjects by assigning a code. Only students with this code (to be requested from the teacher in charge) will be able to register for the subject in question and have access to all resources.
PITON, a course out of the ordinary
Interested in the innovative adventure of team internships?
The PITON program enables students to work on a concrete project for a local company, with students from other courses. Companies such as Salomon, La Clusaz, Volvo and Patriarche have already proposed projects.
From market research for the launch of a new service, to mobile application development and product prototyping, the projects are varied and require a wide range of skills. Whatever your field: marketing (national or international), information systems, management, commerce, communication, but also agronomy, sociology, mechanics and materials, UX design... a PITON internship could be for you!
Participating in a PITON internship is an opportunity to...
- Develop your capacity for initiative
- Manage a project from A to Z
- Work in a project team
- Develop your autonomy
- Collaborate with people with different expertise
- Improve your self-confidence
- Carry out actions with the aim of achieving concrete results
- Deepen your skills in creativity, innovation and project management
Want to find out more?
- PITON website: https: //
- The world of PITON on LinkedIn:
- Mail:
For internships, please refer to the Internship tab.
Back-to-school dates and pedagogical breaks.
The internal regulations of theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc
Procedures for the implementation of the gap year
All the information on the gap year atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc is available online by following this link
Everything you need to know about the Césure
To view the IAE Savoie Mont Blanc's course syllabuses, go to Student > My education.
Le saviez-vous ? Les mobilités Erasmus+ ne sont pas réservées qu’aux étudiants ! À l’IAE, les personnels enseignants, administratifs, techniques ainsi que les doctorants sous contrat ont la possibilité de partir en mobilité de formation ou d’enseignement dans un établissement partenaire en Europe.
Cette expérience permet d’enrichir ses compétences professionnelles tout en découvrant de nouvelles méthodes de travail et en développant une meilleure compréhension des pratiques éducatives à l’échelle européenne. Elle contribue également à renforcer l’ouverture internationale de l’IAE et à encourager la mobilité des étudiants.
Au-delà des bénéfices professionnels, cette opportunité est aussi un excellent moyen d’améliorer ses compétences linguistiques et de vivre une expérience enrichissante sur le plan personnel.
Toutes les informations sur notre site rubrique Partir à l’international.
Pour en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à contacter le Service des Relations Internationales à l’adresse suivante :
To ensure that these events take place in the best possible conditions of safety and hygiene, we remind you that it is necessary to draw up a safety file at least 3 weeks before the event; documents can be downloaded below or obtained from :
Please note:
In the case of a student project, the completed file must first be validated and signed by the teacher in charge of the project.
Files should be returned to: to be studied by IAE management, then forwarded to the Service Exploitation Patrimoine (SEP) for advice and recommendations, including those from the Service Prévention.
We are counting on your vigilance to meet the deadlines set so as not to penalize the successful completion of your projects.
Some of you may need to send an e-mail to all IAE students as part of an academic project, dissertation or survey.
If you wish to send a message to an IAE student mailing list, you must send your message (and only the message intended to be read) from your university mailbox ( to one of the following lists: (IAE Annecy students only)
or (IAE Chambéry students only)
Only IAE students have access to this scheme.
Your message should be clear, signed and professionally written. It should include a subject line and indicate its context (educational project, dissertation, survey, responsible campus operation, etc.). Surveys must have been validated in advance by the person in charge of the project or dissertation (this must be explicitly stated).
The use of these lists is extremely restricted. Any message that does not specify the course of study, the name of the course and of the supervising teacher, or that is incorrectly written, will be systematically rejected by the moderator. Messages that are abusive, irrelevant or not part of a pedagogical context will be rejected.
Please note that it is normal for your e-mail not to be sent immediately to students, as it will first be read and studied by the management, who will have to validate it or not.
Do not resend your e-mail if you have already sent it once. Contact management at if you are unsuccessful.
As a student at IAE Savoie Mont Blanc, you have access to a secure Wifi network, the "Eduspot" network. Use your login and password to access it.